
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by ThrowinDemBows, Nov 6, 2010.

  1. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    I got the Tester's guild response right here. I appreciate you responding and contributing to that. there are 12 rifles spread out in plain view, and the spawn times are as follows.

    2 x Sniper 120 sec 2 spare clips
    1 x Rockets 180 sec 1 spare clip
    1 x Sword 120 sec
    1 x Shotgun 120 sec 2 spare clips
    1 x Grenade Launcher 120 sec 5 spare clips
    8 x DMR 45 sec 2 spare clips
    4 x Needle rifles 45 sec 2 spare clips
    2 x Needlers 45 sec 2 spare clips
    2 x magnum 45 sec 2 spare clips
    2 x plasma pistol 45 sec
    6 x plasma grenades
    4 x frag grenades

    I dont think the sniper spawns too fast or has too many clips because its set how it is in MM. However you may be correct about them being too close together. Im going to have to think about where i want to place them. i like the sword in the green building and the rockets out in the middle where the sword was alot better. last i checked an 8.1 isnt perfect and honestly im not satisfied with that. you may be right about the sniper and i could improve this map still, an 8.1 isnt far-fetched for this map
  2. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    As you've quoted in my test feedback; that is only my opinion of the map. I also haven't addressed every single point that the other people are also putting towards you as I only had time for one game of capture the flag on it. I'd take note of all the criticism you're receiving from some of well established forgers on Forgehub as their maps have been featured and known widely throughout the forging community for maps that featured amazing gameplay and aesthetics.

    Ideally, you shouldn't really be asking for assistance from the Tester's Guild if you've already released your map AND had it reviewed. And not being happy with a score of 8.1? I'm not sure how it hits 8.1 as the average score for your map is 7.8 but I'd be extremely happy if one of my unfinished maps got a review that high. Most maps don't get anywhere above 6 or 7.
    #42 Stevo, Nov 17, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2010
  3. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    i completely agree. i was happy with the 8.1 dont get me wrong, but im not satisfied by any means. i want to make perfect maps, and i also understand that its your opinion and yours only. i acknowledged his feedback and agree, but only because of one of his reasons. the spawn time and spare clips are fine i think i just have to find a way to have them further apart.
  4. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    I played some casual 2v2 on this last night,
    i was very impressed by your design.
    i had been meaning to make a map in that spot, and i had a start to one,
    but it has nothing on this. you really transformed the space.

    the underside of the map wasnt used much in our game,
    but that i suspect is mostly due to the player count being low.
    gameplay on the map was still a lot of fun, and i imagine it will be more fun with a full party.

    perhaps this is also due to low player count, or maybe i had been playing an old version,
    but the snipers for each team spawned very close to each other and it was easy
    for us to just take both of them before the other team even knew snipe had come up.

    all in all though, i thought it was a good map.
    dont worry about download counts.
  5. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    Yeah im really trying to figure this one out. i dont want to just throw it in the base or somewhere stupid. I was thinking about putting just one sniper where the shotgun is down low, but i think 2 for this map is a good thing. Do you think 6 power weapons is too much? considering this is a BTB map w/o any heavy vehicles, 6 sounds about right to me, but i could be wrong.
  6. ShKai

    ShKai Forerunner

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    Very well down im very picky for btb maps because i dont care to mucg for btb but this map made me change my mind. If only it was in the matchmaking playlist, then id play btb more. Keep up the good work.

    PS: I saw some comment about a weekly testing lobby, if you don't mind i may be interested. PM me and give me the details. And if you dont have one PM me so we can make one.
  7. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    I noticed in the guilds test there were only 5v5 and Titmar mentioned playin a 2v2 on my map. I found it interesting that both of you mentioned that the sniper spawns were too close and i thought it was a problem, but i never came across it in testing. I've since played 3 full games with it and ive found (including the countless other tests) that this doesnt occur. with 8v8 it would be quite a feat to snatch both snipers, the only way it would happen is if the other team completely ignored that side and flooded into the pavilion. Ill still consider moving it if i find a better spot, but this doesnt seem to be a problem in the BTB setting. In a 4v4 scenario i could see it happening but not on BTB.

    Yea im cool with that ShKai send me a friend request GT: Throwinsomebows
  8. Terrible Towlie

    Terrible Towlie Forerunner

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    I think this is going to be put in matchmaking prsonally. You probably dont have to make anymore changes but i would but thats just cuz im ocd about stuff lik that. Put the snipers at the bottom of th base or something.
  9. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    Ok with time running out i have some things i want to work out. I have a forge video on this current version, but i have another version im thinking about releasing. Do you think i can use the old video while submitting the new version?

    Changes to New version (Not yet released, release TBA):
    -map reduced to 1 Sniper (Located at bottom of drop hole, old shotgun spot)
    -Shotgun moved right above sniper (Where grenade launcher was located, crates/rockside)
    -2 extra DMRs placed at old sniper spot
    -4 agressive respawn points directly in front of bases removed, 1 added on each side hugging shallow ramps of bases.
    -respawn time of crates reduced from 180 to 120. (any suggestions on this?)
    -added 5 extra respawn points in each base.
    Lemme know what you think of the changes, or if you have better ideas please feel free to share. or do you think i should leave as is.
    #49 ThrowinDemBows, Nov 19, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2010
  10. Terrible Towlie

    Terrible Towlie Forerunner

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    Those jump pads are much more noticable. I like the sniper down low because it gives you a reason to go down there. excellent work Bows.
  11. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    Thx towlie. As you can see my updated version is up, and i'd appreciate some feedback instead of some haters putting negative tags on my map. You can act like an infant or put your big boy pants on and come up with some constructive criticism.
  12. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
    Senior Member

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    Very well done with those elevators beneath the bases! Those really help with going down that hole! Took me a while to figure out how the hell they worked, but once I did... I'd be lying if I said I wasn't impressed.

    I'm glad to see you've switched the rockets and the sword. Those were two things I was hoping for. It's just the little things, you know? I also loved seeing all the little things here and there. The "patio" of the bases looks much better and the placement and reduction in number of the sniper rifle feels much better.

    Although these are all very good things, I can't say much would've changed in terms of your score. The 8.1 is an overall rating and at the very least would've changed to maybe a 8.2. Through you're final changes you have retained the original glory and function of the map, so in no way has it gotten worse.

    Never one to be sentimental, I'm gonna give it to you straight. There are still many ways that this map can improve. I can see that you've poured a lot of time and effort into Pavilion, however we all have to start somewhere. By no means is this map the apex of your potential forging ability. There are many places in which the aesthetics may be improved (such as the featureless walls around the entire complex) although I understand you have run out of resources. Not that you should change this about Pavilion, though it is something to keep in mind during your future forging sessions. These are all areas which can be improved on, and are definitely things mastered over time.

    You've got the fundamentals for a good map tied down, and that's more than most forgers can say. You've also got the ability to bring a great vision to successful fruition. I'm sure that you'll do absolutely outstandingly if you keep at it! I look forward to your next one.
  13. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Didn't expect to like this as much as I did.

    My customs group and I played this 5v5 and 8v8 over the weekend and I was surprised. The aesthetics are obviously there in the pics in ur post, but I expected another hey I had this really cool idea to poke a bunch a trees through a map posts. The sight lines on this are impecable and the flow, and spawns are really good too. Don't know why it reminded me of tombstone a little. Would be cool if you could jetpack and camp the rooftops a little but thats just me. I know why you put softkills up there cause a sniper would pretty much be unstopable

    Killer map.


  14. jovial1

    jovial1 Forerunner

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    I've been fortunate enough to test this map, and it's always been a pleasure.

    The sight lines are great, and I never felt like I had any trouble finding a weapon near at hand. And speaking of spawns, they never left me feeling far from the action or wondering which direction to go.

    I love the map, Bows!
  15. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    First off, let me say, the natural ForgeWorld Geometry you picked was a good choice, the center provides cover while the canyon provides a much needed change of scenery. I do see you made some changes and you seem like you want to make a change for the better and so I’m going to try and highlight as many things possible that need fixing. Bite your tongue and listen up!

    First things first, is the front of the bases, the two shallow walkways and the 1x4 have to go, they look awkward and feel awkward. Change it up, add something that players can walk on from all angles, it allows for better player movement. Same thing goes with the Ramp on top of the platform Y, place a piece in there that will make the area level, it will again help player movement. Steep ramps mess with player orientation, I’d advise you to remove all of them and replace them with a less steep alternative or lower the platform they are lead up too.

    Second thing, ramps that go into natural rock, are a big no no, for instance your ramp to blue base jump pad is one of those ramps to natural rock. Once again player movement is hindered in this area, because they are unable to move up and down the ramp easily enough. Again we see this on the ramp to the red base jump pad. Same thing player movement is restricted.

    Onto the jump pad hallways, once a player is committed to going this route if they are engaged, an enemy can easily kill them, because it is such a long hallway and because it is so skinny. I would seriously think about reworking this area.

    Onto the bases themselves, they feel as if they could be brought out more towards the center and expanded quite a bit. Not sure if you want to do that, but right now they are small and if one team controls the spawns, they can either spawn kill or predict where the other team is going to spawn.

    I can’t even find words to describe the picnic table area… wait, I got it! It’s congested and open at the same time! Kill the picnic tables as they provide almost absolutely no benefit what so ever. You can use those pieces more effectively in another part of your map. Pull the green pillar wall all the way to the ramp and break the wall up so people can use those ramps. The bridge in this area is way too long and seems out of place, I would seriously consider scraping the bridge and finding an alternative solution. I would suggest adding height to this area, making it somewhat of a focal point for players to be, as it stands it’s flat like the rest of the map.

    The bridges that lead to the center, lead players into rocks, they look and feel awkward. In addition to this, on red side the front ramp leads right into a tree, as forgers we cannot just build around the default scenery we have to make the scenery work for our maps. Also, the ramps leading into the canyon feel awkward, shrink blue side so it matches the default scenery.

    In conclusion, player movement is hindered by rocks, trees, ramps, and more in many areas on the map. In addition to this the steep ramps disorient the player immensely. I feel this map has gone for more of an aesthetic route, because of these fundamental gameplay flaws. Players often have to commit themselves to an area way too often.

    If I had to give this map a rating, I would give it 3.5
  16. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    thx for the feedback. I fixed the staircase leading to the redbase. i also found a spot where i could get two building blocks so now i have to find good use for it lol. A 3.5 is pretty harsh when you consider the quality of BTB maps out there. Im going to try to perfect the map as much as i can, but with that deadline approaching im probably just going to send that email tonight.
  17. AnotherClaymore

    AnotherClaymore Forerunner

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    I played the previous version of this map and enjoyed it. Im downloading the latest version now, looking forward to seeing and playing on it with the updates.
  18. I Killed Kenny

    I Killed Kenny Forerunner

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    I can't get enough of this map I like how it is simple and not huge like so many forgeworld maps are. I've enjoyed it on 4 vs 4 primarily. Also just wondering, did you make this with people getting on top of buildings and the outer wall in mind? It is not very hard to jump up and camp on top of the main building. If you raise the outer wall could solve the problem (if you consider it one).
  19. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    I honestly dont find the people on the walls a problem because they are exposed. as for the top of the bases, they cant get on the back side of it (glass cover) but you can on the front part. Its an easy fix if i so choose, but im not really sure yet. Its funny, i dont really care to use jetpack, yet i put an advantageous spot for them on my map.

    -Ive been busy working on hangar 33 with fsoldier3334, so i havent had time for much else in the world of halo reach. Im considering doing some remodeling sometime soon, but the version on my fileshare is the one bungie will see. Ill keep you posted and wish me luck.
  20. FlyingCherry

    FlyingCherry Forerunner

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    You may need to reconsider placing or re-ajusting the killbarriers behind the two bases. In games like CTF you can go oob all the way around/under the map (with a little bit of jetpack) and get to the other base, so you would only have to make it across the map once instead of twice. Otherwise solid map.

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