What exaclty is greatness. Is it an ability to repeat sucess? What is greatness? Defined as notable and remarkable; setting a precedent. What have the Yankees done for the past 107 years... GREAT Hmmm... Look alike??? AND PLAYABLE TOO! LOOK ALIKE STATUS AGAIN??? Down the left field line. Offices, foul pole, camera well, ball boy chair, scoreboard, and the "New York Bridging Phasad." Bases, mound, press box, score lines (yellow) ALSO, BOTH DUGOUTS HAVE CLUBHHOUSES equipped with TV, chairs, spa, and film room Ok, so I made this map before on Halo 3 and never FH posted it. This is the first map of my "Great American Ballparks Series." I will be making these playable pro baseball stadiums. This series will showcase the best that every stadium has to offer. My unique attention to detail will take me coast to coast. Fenway, Wrigley, Comerica, US Cellular, Citi, The Trop, Citizens Bank, and many more. Next one: World Series Champion, whoever it may be. The game type is base-grifball. It works well, you just have to keep score and outs on your own because there is no way for me to make it work. Homeruns are possible, but as I found in testing, they come seldom. Hitting: Just place the ball on homeplate and swing away. You will know if you are safe at a base by when you change color to Brown. (hehe!) Thank-You for viewing and please DL. This map was made solely by GFORCE137
Looks like a pretty spot-on replica, but you are missing one key element: Monument Park. That would be amazing if you could add that in a v2 or something, but for right now, I like it.
Haha i like the fact that you build a really cool looking baseball field. However, im not the biggest fan of the Yankees lol
I actually do have monument park out there behind the left field wall. It's not what i wanted it to look like, but it's there. It looks more like a grassy graveyard than anything.
Looks pretty good, one issue though. It looks like a fly ball could be hit to right field that is not a home run. Besides that it looks like a pretty accurate replica.