I'm working on a Land Grab variant of Pacman where blue team (Pac Man) goes around collecting dots (territories). It does rely on some honor rules, but that's a different problem--I can't capture the territories. When I set it to Assymetric, the territories are uncapturable. This is same with the 'Territories' gametype. They have to be on neutral, but then the Red Team can cap them too.
Have you tried doing Land Grab? Land Grab is the asymmetrical territories. The only problem with this (pretty cool) idea, is that the fact that you can only have a limited number of capturable territories. I believe in Land Grab it only goes up to spawn sequence 5 and everything after that isn't used :/ Damn you Bungie and your dumb rules.
You can have more then 5 if you put multiple territories on the same sequence. If you have 2 ones, and 1 of everything else up to 5, you will have 2 territories, with the 6th being a 1.
o.o It's not your own teams territory is it hahah. but really, I'm interested. If you have it on your file share I can take a look at it. Or if you'd rather just FR me for whatever reason, my GT is Curious Corndog
Chances are, your little loophole is breaking. Giving multiple TERR_OBJs the same Spawn Sequence may trick whatever code makes Territories visible, but it probably won't trick whatever code makes them capturable. As a general rule, trying to mess with gametypes doesn't work. The game... doesn't really handle such things very well.
I still want to DL this off your fileshare or something, so I can look at it :3 I DONT NEED YOUR PARTY INVITES /decline