Poseidon's Lair

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by buddhacrane, Nov 8, 2010.


What do you think of this map?

  1. Not my style

  2. Okay

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Congratz on the feature, Mander! Yet another incredible puzzle!
  2. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm going to be nice and let this slide, and give you one chance to read my response and understand that your viewpoint is narrow-minded.

    Forge is a toolset in Halo. It is not a requirement that people create only competitive maps. Naturally, with Halo being a shooter at heart, there will be plenty of competitive arenas made and they will always be given dominance over other map genres. But other map genres do exist and very much play a part of the overall custom game experience for many people.

    What we do at Forge Hub is provide a creative outlet for all forgers and their creations. You're only interested in competitive maps? That's perfectly fine, and understandable; we have a competitive map section that will cater to your needs. Other people may sometimes enjoy the fact that, although Halo is a shooter, it's Forge is flexible enough to break that cookie-cutter mould and allow players a different experience; be it with Race (which is an official Bungie gametype I hasten to add), Infection, a Mini Game, or a Puzzle. For some people Halo's Forge is an opportunity to be creative, to bend the rules, to create something unique or something that no one thought possible. Does Mario Party let you design and create your own challenge concepts and ideas? No. Do most racing games allow you to create your own tracks and make up your own rules? No.

    Featured maps represent great map creations in Forge, they're not tied down by genre. We're open-minded enough here at Forge Hub to appreciate a forger's creativity and forging skill however they choose to manifest it. So yes, if a great Race map, or Puzzle map, or Aesthetic map comes along then it will be featured, and so will a great competitive map. To devalue a creator's work just because it's not your type of map is narrow-minded and, more importantly, rude.
  3. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Congrats on the Feature Mander. I hadn't checked out Poseidon's Lair and now I'll have to give it a go. I really like puzzle maps even though I'm bad at them. I'm really going to force myself not to taking a forge run on it ;)
    #23 rusty eagle, Nov 9, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2010
  4. Yugnoswam

    Yugnoswam Forerunner

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    Very good so far, I have used the mongoose to get the second needle rifle, used the dice to get up, what do I do after that?!
  5. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    you are right on that angle, but the fact that this is the only legitimate forge site and it has only had 2 featured competitive maps so far is ludacris. you are right it was rude and i dont mean to bash this guys work, i am actually bashing forgehub and i guess its community. if you are going to feature things like this, put competitive in one category and the rest in another and release two at a time (theres plenty of material.)

    There wont be any more of this so dont bother sending me the forum rules again
  6. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Holy ****, talk about new members. I think you have the right attitude to be famous here HELL

    Other than that, I knew this would be featured. Great job on the creator!
  7. ChaoticF34r

    ChaoticF34r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is really amazing. THe challenges are somewhat mind twisting, but the more i was frustrated, the better i felt when i completed each challenge. The amount of creativity put into each challenge was awesome, with an amazing story to back it up. Can't wait for the rest of the maps in the series? xD
  8. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lol @ link.

    Anyway, I've never been much of a puzzle guy myself, but this truly is a wonderful piece. Honestly, it brings me back to the days of my childhood as I would slowly work my way through the temples of The Legend Of Zelda. I am enjoying myself (frustration) to a very large extent while trying to weave my way through the ridiculous puzzles you have crafted. I think I may try my hand at creating a puzzle map because of this. :)
  9. DownfieldCrown

    DownfieldCrown Forerunner

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    Wow mander congrats!!!!! I loved the music in the vid too hahaha it gave it an awesome feeling!!!!!
  10. o0SuperSamuri0o

    o0SuperSamuri0o Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Gratz on the feature. This map is amazing, and very fun to do. Ive been playing puzzles for awhile and have played many of your Halo 3 ones, so I immensely enjoyed this one as it only took me three goes to get through (solving about 8 challenges each time). So good job, and niice to see a puzzle up here. I personally find them to be some of the most creative maps around.
  11. Decon87

    Decon87 Forerunner

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    I can't even get past the first room = /, question! If theres a weapon in plain sight does that mean we're going to need it? And another, is this one of those puzzle maps where theres a weapon placed inside of a wall and you can only grab it through the wall if your standing in a certain place, or anything of that general nature? I just wanna make sure I'm looking for the right things. So far it's doing its job really well, =P.
  12. Grimsby

    Grimsby Forerunner

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    I honestly couldn't get past the beginning... lol
  13. Mander

    Senior Member

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    There are no hidden weapons, fusion coils, or anything. Everything you need will be in plain sight, it's just a matter of using it. Here are some tips to help people get started:
    1) When you swap out a fixed weapon it will freeze in the air (non-hosts won't be able to see it).
    2) Needler rifle shots can ricochet at extremely high angles.
    3) You can survive moderate falls by crouching at the last moment before impact.

    Good Luck!
  14. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Beat it!... that was hard.. i accidentally did a few parts.. the whole stool in the kill zone..
  15. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
    Senior Member

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    is it wrong to want to download this map simply because the techno remix of EoG? not to mention the nifty ability using puzzle makes for high action. The only thing keeping me from it is for some reason when I play in a game with a kill ball I never make it past them.
  16. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I signed in just to comment. That. Was. The most EPIC VIDEO EVER!
  17. Dammitman V2

    Dammitman V2 Forerunner

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    Issues with Poseiden's lair

    I downloaded the map and fired it up to check it out like I do with all the maps I download and I kept spawning and respawnin in one little rocky prison with no way out to explore the map and a little pool that led to a watery grave. took a look at it in forge and had the same issue. Noticed there was a bunch of spawn and respawn points there which explained why I kept ending up there but still there was no way out without disrupting the map because of that I didn't even bother to take a look at the rest of the map.
  18. noklu

    noklu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ah, dammitman...this IS a puzzle map...you kinda have to work to get out...
  19. JDB95

    JDB95 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Haha lol
    Sorry you are realtively new, but the map is a puzzle so you have to solve the challenges to get to the next room and so on. They can be difficult however.
  20. Mac2095

    Mac2095 Forerunner

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    I've seen no one mention this so far so TO ALL THAT ARE HAVING TROUBLE IN THE FIRST ROOM, YOU CANNOT PLAY THIS PUZZLE IF YOU SET YOUR PREFERRED SPECIES TO ELITE. Elites are too large to get under the rock. I spent half an hour stuck in the first room until I switched my preferred species to spartan and realized this. After that I tried it once more, then deleted it from my console and never played it again. Such a huge oversight is ridiculous.

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