Roughsta's Water Crystal Download it again if you wanna try out the updated version: - now with 4 banshees - aesthetic fixes - 4 new hidden rooms with new plasma launcher placement (since 11.12.2010) - addition of headhunter game variant (since 11.21.2010) To download the old version click here - fixed framerate issues -removed banshees for gameplay improvement - addition of crazy teleport jumps -improved weapon balancing and placement (removed 3 bazookas) - addition of glass wing cover in the middle section - addition of new walkways around the map -addition of a pool at the bottom, which gives cover too - improvement of game modes - addition of stockpile, ctf and assault (12.17. 2010) -better weapon spawn times (12.18. 2010) TO DOWNLOAD THE NEW VERSION CLICK HERE WATER CRYSTAL is an arena of an ancient civilisation. Energized by the rage of bloody battles it's still floating over the sea! Weapon Spawn Times 4 x DMR - 30s 4 x Needle Rifle - 30s 4 x Needler - 45s 4 x Sniper Rifle - 180s 4 x Shotgun - 90s 4 x Plasma Repeater - 30s 4 x Concussion Rifle - 90s 1 x Rocket Launcher - 180s 4 x Sword - 180s 4 x Hammer - 180s 4 x Plasma Launcher - 180s 8 x Plasma Grenades - 30s Jump down from there, to get right into the teleport... You can also just walk and look down to it^^ It's one of the craziest teleport jumps I have built so far! Use explosives and cannon mans to attack enemies! This can turn a magnum into a super weapon^^ I put much more work in making the map than in making the presentation... So just try it out and give me some feedback please =) I hope you enjoy it... ;-)
Holy ****. I've never seen a map that looks quite like this. I'm never usually so impressed from just screenshots; I'll DL and have a better look at it as soon as I can.
This probably has the best aesthetics mixed with gameplay that Ive ever seen. Other than when people make art or giat ships, this really looks the best out of all maps, but it seems a liitle jumbled
Thanx for your comments... It's nice to get some feedback after hours of forging on this^^ Try it out before you judge, I don't think it's jumbled at all ;-) It's a symmetric map...
That looks well spammy. Anyway, this does look really nice aesthetically. It'd be nice to see an overview, well a different one anyway. The only spot that looks like it could use some touching up is the second picture - the middle looks off center. You managed to use rarely used pieces in nice way. Have you considered a purely aesthetic map?
Wow, nice job on making such an interesting looking map. The initial picture caught my eye, which is why I looked at your post. I downloaded your map and I'll run through it tonight. If I can get games going on it, I'll do that as well. I am a fan of symmetrical maps, and the map I created is symmetrical as well. I'll post feedback after I've run through your map.
I'm not seeing that at all. WOW that thumbnail pic really grabs the attention! I could see this map really making waves in the community! Nice job!
i'd really like to see you stop with the "Roughsta's such and such" naming convention. do you see bungie maps named "Bungie's Lockout" ? no.
Amazing map. Attention to detail is phenomenal. The pyramid looks really good and from what I've seen so far it doesn't look blocky like many maps I've seen and played myself. Was an instant download.
Beyond cool, I just played it, super creative with objects and angles, it was fun just cruising through it alone. I like the explosive positioning with the man cannon. Excellent.
Okay, this map is insane. I don't know how you had the patience to make this map, but it looks sweet. It would take a while to learn the map if I were to play competitive games on it, but I think this map is more of an aesthetic map. I had frame rate issues in a few areas, but they weren’t bad. I do think that with more people and all the chaos, especially with the possibility of four rocket launchers, it could become an issue. The reasons I think this map shouldn’t be considered a competitive map are as follows: - There could be high frame rate issues with a lot of players and four rocket launchers. - You can’t get out of the very bottom where the four gravity hammers are under the map, so if you fall in there you either wait for death or commit suicide. ^^^EDIT: This was a mistake I made... I was in Forge Mode and camera's were blocking my fall. This area is NOT a trap. - My initial spawn point had me face a door that led to nowhere. Had I taken the door I would have fallen to my death. Other opinions: - The shield doors on the ceiling giving that blue glow effect is very cool. - The map just looks crazy awesome. - It’s fun to explore all the different areas that are in this map. - I can tell a lot of time went into making this map. If you’re going for perfection, where the four rocket launchers are there were 3 standing up and one lying down. You may want to make it have fixed physics so it stands like the others. The one that was down for me is the one on the walkway that faces the coliseum. It might just be random that it's down, but for me it was. No big deal but I noticed you took the time to have all four snipers angled the same, so I figured I'd tell you about that rocket launcher. All in all a very cool map. I don't think competitive games would work too well on it, but that has to be said very lightly because I have not actually played a game on it. Looks really cool and is worth a download.
Thanks for your critics, but next time I hope you notice that you CAN get out of the water! Just by using the teleports in the sniper nests on every side, which leads you to the rocket launchers... I noticed that thing with the lying down rocket launcher before, but I wasn't able to fix it... anyway it doesn't matter, because it doesn't effect the gameplay of course^^ The rocket launchers are fixed now with the lates update^^ - download it again, to check it out... (11.12.10) The little framerate issue isn't getting worse with more players, I tried it out with 16 players and nobody so far had a problem with it.... And the thing about the spawn point... are you kidding me? I thought no one is stupid enough to just run out there^^ But if I'm wrong, sorry for the laughing =) I guess this happens somebody just one time if at all...
Oh my goodness... my bad Roughsta. I was running through it on FORGE MODE and your camera's were blocking me from falling. I didn't notice I could fall through the gap because of the camera. Haha, sorry about that! I ran through it again on custom and that gap makes it much better!! The spawn point thing, I didn't run out there I'm just saying it was facing a door to nowhere. And for it being the first time on your map, someone wouldn't be dumb for taking a door you have them face right off the spawn. They don't know it's going to drop them to death, they didn't make the map. But it's a really cool map. I'll def. be keeping it to play some customs on it as well. Nice work
Hey forgers and players Big thanx to all the positive and constructive criticism! I updated the map, so if you wanna see the changes and fixes just download it again ;-) Features of the updated version: - now with 4 banshees - aesthetic fixes - 4 new hidden rooms with new plasma launcher placement (Updated on 11.12.2010) hope you enjoy it a lil bit more now and don't forget to hit the like button again...
Usually most people would have set it between 15 and 30 seconds, but I set it on "immediately" by force it to spawn at least 4 of them^^ I know some people may not like it that way, but to me a fast-paced game is simply much more attractive... =) Thanx =) Realy nice, but it would be cool if you could write something about the map again after you played some games on it^^ That would truly help the waves coming ;-)
these maps are the best you'll ever all of em.its really worth a look and with the new headhunter mode its going to be hot like hell
looks nice but is this made for any gametype at all? cause you have to use forge to get to certain levels...
Yes for sure^^ It supports every gametype in the list... And you can go anywhere in the map without using forge! It has teleports, cannon mans and stuff to get you fast through all levels^^ from the bottom to the top, you can even use banshees to fly somewhere if you want. You just have to stay in the safe zone =) Supported Gametypes: Crazy King, Headhunter, Infection, Juggernaut, King of the Hill, Oddball, Safe Havens, Slayer, Team Slayer Try it out - you'll see ;-)