Legacy takes drivers across Forge World'e expansive terrain, and offers some beautiful views along the way. Supports "Race" gametype, up to 16 players "Legacy" Announce Trailer YouTube - Halo Reach: Legacy Grand Prix
A key thing to remember about Race maps: Bigger is not always better. I congratulate you on making one of the longest Reach tracks yet. At the same time, I advise you to not make a track like this again. In order to get your racetrack as big as it is, you've had to sacrifice several important elements. I see many areas that aren't even wide enough to fit two mongooses, making it impossible for a skilled driver to pass others. These are immediately followed by wide, open, directionless areas. It's things like this that really end up disconcentrating racers. Also, many of these areas seem gimicky and aestheticly unapealing (namely the Grav Lift jump). I would recomend that in any future racetracks you focus more on the quality of every part of the track, and try to make the entire track have one unifying style of aesthetics that helps bind the track together and prevent disorientation. Cheers, HarisSales.
Thanks for your input. There are a couple points I want to address.* 1st, the size of the track. I'm not sure why you seem to think the track is so huge, but it really isn't that long a track. The average lap time in testing has been about 2:45... Not overly long for anyone familiar with racing games. A complete race is done in well under 10 minutes, which feels just right for a round of halo. 2nd, wide open spaces vs narrow passages. The wide open spaces are not directionless at all, thanks to the checkpoints. During group testing, not once did any driver go the wrong way or get lost. The point of the open spaces is to let the natural terrain come into play. The stretch through the canyon gives drivers space to spread out side to side a little, and also creates some interesting passing opportunities as drivers try to pick the best route across the hills. The other thing I found is that drivers would experiment lap after lap, which made these sections of the track far more interesting and fun over the course of a complete race. 3rd, the narrow passes are not very long, nor are they as narrow as you seem to think they are. During a 12 driver playtest on Friday, there was plenty of passing on the narrow passages. They also work to balance out the wide open spaces... Funneling the drivers back together after they've spent a few seconds more spread out. Finally, the grav lift in the video has actually been completely redone since I made that video. There is now a large rampway that circles upwards before ending in a short jump up to the dish... Much more drivable and fun than the version shown in the video.* I do very much appreciate your input. If you have time, I think you should take the track for a spin to see it for yourself. I'm sure it is far from perfect, but I feel you've gotten some inaccurate impressions from the video. Let me know what you think!
Boy does my foot taste bad. I've actually just taken a test-drive on your map, and I think most of my points have been rendered moot. While I still don't approve of any sort of lifts, and the map really could use a bit more aesthetic constance, all the other issues I brought up were based solely on the video, and have basically been disproved.
lol.... no worries Again, I always like to get feedback. This is my first forge creation, so I'm looking for as much input as I can get.
im not impressed with the the map, there isnt any features about it that say, "hey im a great race map".. it looks like a race track i would make.. not that thats a bad thing.. ha! but your awesome at making videos. i thought i was watching a movie trailer lol.. anyway for a 1st forge, good job.
Take it for a spin man... I think you'll like it more than you'd expect It's always hard to tell when you're making a map, but I got to take it for a spin with a large group yesterday, and trust me... 8 or more drivers on this track is a blast. Definitely works great with large groups!
I though it was a great map, and i was not able to pass friends a few time. But as for that it was a ton of fun. I approve of lifts btw
I took a spin around this map and it is great Its very ascetically pleasing and I was by myself and I can see how it would be easy to get 2 mongeese by in the narrow parts.