The Wall

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Dingo lad/Spoon, May 7, 2008.

  1. Dingo lad/Spoon

    Dingo lad/Spoon Ancient
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    The Wall

    This is my first time posting here so i hope i got this right.... if any thing needs to be added please tell me ....

    I give you one of my better maps i have let out a few in the past and they were good but this is better i hope i have perfected upon what i already had .....

    Overveiw of the map


    This Map originally started off as a couple of small boxes in the corner of foundry and grew into this and it does appear to be a good setup but il let you decide that.....

    Weapons and Power ups.

    this map is sort of symetrical in the way of the bases are identical except arranged differently ....

    this map includes the following:

    3x Br on each base

    2x addition Br infront of the base

    1x carbine in the bases.

    2x additional carbines around the front of the bases.

    1x Rocket Launcher

    2 plasma/spike(depending on base) grenades in the bunker within the bases.

    OS in a room for each base at a 2 minute spawn into the game to premote faster game play and stop camping.( there is a lip in this room making it a little more dangerous to pick up the OS but it still is easy to overcome....)

    2 additional plasma or spike( dependant upon base) along "the wall"

    2 addition plasma or spike (dependant upon base) in the small room infront of base.

    1x bubble sheild in room to the from of the bases..

    1x power drainer to the front ofd the bases within the room,



    i will mention now that there are noticable differences in the bases in one base needing to crouch for certain places and not the other ... this is by design...

    now this wasnt supposed to be an allrounder map but it is now it plays all set out game types although i am unsure of infection at the moment...

    but it does fair will in a good team CTF game

    FFA also works great even with 4 players!

    Pictures and Video Guide

    The Wall Video Walkthrough

    Bunker within the bases.

    The main bases pt.1

    The main bases pt.2

    The perch and Power up room

    The Perch

    The Equipment and Rocket spawn

    Future updates.
    It appears that i have left an OS spawning at the start of the round and managed to mix up a spawn for flag not that that one is really a problem though, also as pointed out the area around the bases has a nasty lip that is being fixed, also i noticed in the B base the plasma grenades cant be picked up due to the crate itself this ive solved i think, these will be fixed in the next revision of the level...
    #1 Dingo lad/Spoon, May 7, 2008
    Last edited: May 9, 2008
  2. Fly

    Fly Ancient
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    This is a great first post. There is nothing wrong with it.
  3. killerpumpkin3

    killerpumpkin3 Ancient
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    nice lookin map and i think you can put the link to the youtube vid here
  4. sugaballa99

    sugaballa99 Ancient
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    nice first map, q'ued
  5. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    WOW this is great, I cant find any flaws with this. and considering its your first, WOW. Im definately dling. Keep it up
  6. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I jsut had a forgetrough and I really didnt like the edge of each base. I got stcuk there. I think you've think $42 on the budget left and 10 walls left, you can easily fix that.
  7. KB

    KB Ancient
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    MAN!! This place looks great. Great job on your first post. I am REALLY impressed. Good job with everything and happy forging
  8. Dingo lad/Spoon

    Dingo lad/Spoon Ancient
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    thanks for the great reception....

    yea im not too keen on those edge buts eithier i have been working on those bits and a few other parts of the map since that release im not quite there yet though so il stay with this one for now but il update this once the new one is up....

    im just trying to avoid it looking tacky ...
  9. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    One word:
  10. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    Welcome to Forgehub :)

    First of all, let me say that this is a great looking map and your posting is well above the current nub standard.

    Your interlocking is pretty advanced, which is always excellent and for the most part is clean and well presented. The weapon set isn't your typical first map set (every power weapon for each team). The bunkers in each base also look pretty cool.

    On the negative side (this is meant to be contructive criticism, not me ripping on your map) there's a couple of examples of your interlocking looking a little sloppy (such as the corner wall in the second picture).
    The two upside-down open boxes, where there appears to be a Power Drain don't really do it for me, it looks like they'd interfere with the flow of play since you'd have to jump in then out over the lip, which could be clunky, meaning the Drainer could just be ignored rather than included as a game-winning bit of equipment.
    Your weapon selection is good, but the placement seems a little off ... it might not be the case (as i haven't looked at it in Forge), but by the way you describe it you make out that the weapons are mainly concentrated around the bases, and you've given each team pretty much one of each weapon on the map, meaning that there's not really any 'must-have' weapons in order to gain an advantage.

    Finally it looks like there is a lot of open space, which could go either way of being good or bad. Although i see you've tried to counter it with a few Barriers.

    Now i know that looks like a wall of negative text, and it kinda is, but to be honest you've made a great looking map and i'm just trying to help you examine areas you might like to improve in future :)
    #10 TexturedSun, May 7, 2008
    Last edited: May 7, 2008
  11. Dingo lad/Spoon

    Dingo lad/Spoon Ancient
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    im just going to say ---- Thank You---- lol

    ive been waiting for people to tell what they think could be changed and done to improve the flow of the map and above was right as well the dropped areas of the maps are a pain but ive rectified that problem now....

    the interlocking i will admit isnt my strongest point lol but i did what i felt was best and i did notice that the wall jutted out of the box it is annoying i will admit but i couldnt find a way around it so i just grew to like it lol *edit*it is the same on both bases now that i look at it so nobodys at a dissadvantage:p lol

    the weapons i will admit arent the greatest every or their placements i have placed some around the map at different points but its really the upper part of the level that sees most action but that lower section is there with weapons if needed, the only advantage that anyone could have will be the rockets but they dont have anymore than two shots.....

    when i talk of the bases its kind of hard to convey what i mean really each open area infront of the bases counts as side A or side B's land/ area so it is essentially part of the base....

    and open space yea you should have seen it before the barriers lol it was terrible with tose i think it adds just enough cover but also means you have to move as soon as possible aswell ....

    and the power drainer part i can agree with but ive seen it used in more objective games better than in the slayer types..

    thanks for the comment though i know it wasnt negative at all it does help really im working on the next version of this map right now so it deffinately is a great help!

    oh ive made a wall of text oops lol
    #11 Dingo lad/Spoon, May 7, 2008
    Last edited: May 7, 2008
  12. ajtielke

    ajtielke Ancient
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    The map looks pretty cool. I'll DL once i get home 5/5
  13. unit538

    unit538 Ancient
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  14. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    You're welcome.

    I find the best way to work out effective weapon placement is to lay out a very small selection of weapons in areas you feel will be well travelled, then test with the preferred amount of players for the map. Examine where most of the encounters took place and re-work the weapons accordingly, so that each time someone spawns they're going to have a choice of what weapon to use when they reach the combat hotspots.

    Rinse and repeat.
    #14 TexturedSun, May 7, 2008
    Last edited: May 7, 2008
  15. duff himself

    duff himself Ancient
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    when i get some room i'll dl and check it out. you mentioned ctf... i'm assuming the flag is on top of the each base?

    oh and did you set this up for assault or odd ball by any chance?
  16. Dingo lad/Spoon

    Dingo lad/Spoon Ancient
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    i do agree with you about the weapon set and placement and how to go about it i have tested it quiet a bit with around four people playing the map and this seemed to be the better set up out what ive had.... if you do have any suggestions though please do say =D

    and yes it is set up for every game type including oddball and assault....

    and the flags are on the bridge you see in the overveiw pic just to the left of the shot on top is the spawn point.... ** edit** in this version the attackers flag is on the bridge and the defenders is beliw the oposite bridge...
    #16 Dingo lad/Spoon, May 7, 2008
    Last edited: May 7, 2008
  17. darkmuse19

    darkmuse19 Ancient
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    great first post. good interlocking and nice description. it sorta reminds me of beaver creek from halo 2
  18. o0 god 0o

    o0 god 0o Ancient
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    very nice interlocking and this map is amazing
  19. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    First off, I'd like to say your layout looks great and so does your interlocking. I'll have to look through the map to see how your weapon placement looks. One thing that I've noticed like a few other people is that your map looks a little open. You might want to add a little cover here or there. Additionally, the map lacks defining character. Thats not to say its a boring map, its not. But it would help if the map had a feature that people would instantly recognize when they played it, to make it stand out from the crowd. Overall this is a great first map. I'm glad you have found Forgehub!
  20. Dynamic Echo

    Dynamic Echo Ancient
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    Very nice, looks well made and worth my download.

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