Scarlet Cathedral

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by v0ltecpr0, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. v0ltecpr0

    v0ltecpr0 Forerunner

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    Scarlet Cathedral

    Hello everyone this is my second halo reach map posted on forgehub! :D
    This time its a church i made for infection, because well i was thinking about cool situations to be in when invaded by zombies and i thought that a church would be pretty cool! So i made one which i think looks and works amazing. But ofcourse i want your opinion because there are always things which can be better :), lets go to the pictures!
    This is the church itself, it has a clock ofcourse, you can also get on the roof (by 2 ways) and i made rlly small of detailed "churchy like" windows ;P.
    This is the back entrance.
    I surrounded the map by a grayviard, the cannonman you see leads to the roof, its place on some rocks and tin cups so it would look nice.
    Some more grayviard and a blue tomb, this is the zombies starting spawn.
    When you enter the church (you got 2 entrances but if u use the front one) youll go in here, this is the place where the servents sit down and listen to their master, a shotgun lies the bench up front. Here you can see the detailed windows and the banner i made behind the bench.
    This is the library, its next to the previous room or if u enter the other entrance. Not much to tell about the Library.
    This is the bottom of the tower, Placed a cross cuz its pretty churchy.
    This is the second floor, this is where the higher ranked people sit down, relax play some piano. This is also the Rocket spawn.
    This is the bell room, i tried to make a bell out of 2 barricades and a antenna, think it looks pretty nice. You can yump out the window to get on top of the roof. This is also the sniper spawn. (Btw zombies can get in through the window because of evade, humans cant go back this way!)
    And last but not least the roof, You can see the window and well ... the roof .. :p.

    Well thanks for watching this thread, hope you liked it. :)
    If you got any questions of things which needs to be improved go ahead and tell me i can take some criticism :D

    BTW if you guys got an idea for a next map that would be great, because i cant think of anything ;)!!
    BTW im also looking for someone who can make a great Signature ;)!!
    #1 v0ltecpr0, Nov 19, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2010
  2. Raulness

    Raulness Forerunner
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    Looks good man. There's been a couple of church infection maps popping out lately but this one holds up pretty well against the others. I haven't been able to play some infection on it yet to check its balance but it seems to have some good flow.
  3. fluffyroks

    fluffyroks Forerunner

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    This from the pictures looked to be an aesthetic map, but...then i read the thread! This seems to be a well built map i like that it has several levels, that in my opinion always adds to zombie games! I would download if i could.
  4. timothy pumpkin

    timothy pumpkin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    i must ask how long did u spend making this because it looks very well made.
  5. v0ltecpr0

    v0ltecpr0 Forerunner

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    well actially it didnt take that long, it look about 8hours to finalize. So i think i did it pretty fast. :)

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