Sanctorium Sanctorium is an Asymmetrical map built with the idea of Sword Base for it massive amount of flow an player movement of the map and Reflection for is aesthetic and natural beauty. Together, I created Sanctorium. Sanctorium is also my Forgetacular Contest submission for the TS Category. Weapons on Map - DMR x6, 2 spare clips, 30 sec - AR x6, 2 spare clips, 30 sec - Needle Rifle, 2 spare clips, 30 sec - Plasma Repeater x2, 30 sec - Concussion Rifle, 120 sec - Shotgun, 1 spare clip, 90 sec - Sword, 90 sec - Plasma Pistol x2, 30 sec - Magnum x2, 2 spare clips, 30 sec - Frags x8, 15 sec - Stickies x4, 15 sec Gameplay Youtube YouTube - A Halo Forged Map - Sanctorium Download Newest version: Sanctorium
The first thing I noticed about your map was the fact that, regardless of where you are, you always have at least four or so possible routes that you can take, all of which have their own posotives and negatives. The map seems to be built so that most weapons, whether they be DMRs, Swords, or Concussion Rifles are equally useful and don't overpower eachother. One more thing that really caught my eye is the fact that you've included trick jumps in your map. Due to the frustrating jump height in Reach, this is commendable in itself. I'm basing this off the video, but the trick jump that I know of isn't too hard to do, but is hard to locate and gives you a goof amount of reward for the risk you've taken. Congrats, J. Cheers, HarisSales.
I am accualty glad you noticed that. That was the plan since day one of deisgn, to create a map that had alot of flow and gave players many options when playing to create more unique gameplay compared to other maps that are just straight lines of gameplay. Boring!