Remake HCTF Citadel

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by kdavis73, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. kdavis73

    kdavis73 Forerunner
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    **This is the original HCTF Citadel that won the Forgotten Treasures 2 Contest and I will leave it the way it is. If you want the most up to date version then go to this thread instead HCTF Citadel Updated Version

    This is an accurate remake of the Halo 3 map "Citadel", from the Mythic Map Pack 2. I really want to say that it is a 1:1 ratio, but there are a few slight changes: first is that the rocket platform is longer in length by 1 meter. I did this in attempt to keep the same look and feel as the original as well as to improve the game play as the jump heights are lesser in Reach.
    Second, the overall heights are slightly lower again due to the fact that jump heights are lesser in Reach and people aren't likely to play in a custom game type with higher jumps. Lastly, you may notice the pillars are a little bit longer than the original, yet through my testing this does not interfere with the aesthetic game play. Other than these small changes this is an extremely accurate remake of Halo 3's "Citadel" I worked very hard on it and put in well over 70hrs.(I stopped keeping track after 56hrs.) to ensure accuracy and perfection. Also I would like to add that most of the jumps that are in there are mainly the most used from the original; there were only a few that I left out due to the budget. And yes you can make rockets to top yellow or blue without crouching off all eight points of the rocket platform as you can see in the pic. Also I must add that I got all of the coordinates from Halo 3 before I plugged them into HCTF Citadel

    Thanks for reading and happy killin' - HCTFxReaper666x

    Rockets to Top Blue without crouch
    Top Yellow looking to Blue
    Top Blue looking to Yellow
    Yellow Snipe looking to Blue
    Blue Snipe looking to Yellow
    Yellow Shotgun
    Yellow Overshield
    Blue Overshield
    Blue Main Base
    Rocket Platform
    Yellow Brute Shot Hall
    Blue Brute Shot Hall w/ jump

    YouTube - HCTF Citadel
    be sure to check out other maps in file share!
    #1 kdavis73, Oct 27, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2011
  2. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    A few more pictures and a brief description might be nice. I know the rules say you must have at least one picture, but not many people will download without getting a good feel for the map from the pictures. Add these, please.
  3. kdavis73

    kdavis73 Forerunner
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    thanks for the advise I do plan on adding more pictures tonight
  4. XJoe91

    XJoe91 Forerunner

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    I'm guessing you're going to put this in the contest. This is really good. I really felt like i was back in citadel. The only problem I found was that it lacked the open feel of the regular Citadel. That is kinda hard to replicate in forge though. Really good job on this remake, you should definitely submit this to the contest.
  5. kdavis73

    kdavis73 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    thank you very much I worked very hard on it and i am currently submitting it
  6. wi1lywonka

    wi1lywonka Ancient
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    I almost cried when I saw this. I spent a week and a half working on my citadel remake and yours looks better.
  7. teabagger

    teabagger Forerunner

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    Oh my, this is really cool. I'm new to this site so I haven't seen any other remakes, but I am very impressed. I loved Citadel and the lighting on this is sweet!!!
  8. wi1lywonka

    wi1lywonka Ancient
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    Bump for great justice--the anticipation is killing me. It's a shame too, I have no idea how my map plays, how are the maps judged? Is it voting or just, "we like this one the best"
  9. kdavis73

    kdavis73 Forerunner
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    I'm pretty sure that they will play the three games you suggested and then narrow it down from there by trying other game types. Also I'm sure they will go more in depth like aesthetic look, feel, weapon placement, spawn times, ect., although all of these may be tweaked to improve game play as well as to fit the new game better
  10. QTheDukeQ

    QTheDukeQ Forerunner

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    Beautiful map, great recreation. Def. rivals wi1lywonka's and will be interesting to see which the hub judges choose.
  11. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    I enjoyed this map. Wonder if it has the same hidden sniper areas that it did in halo 3?

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