
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Portal of Souls, Nov 10, 2010.

  1. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    I would like to introduce the first preview of my newest map. This is the second of my posted maps, and its debut is soon to come. Recently, Promethean was tested by myself and a small batch of friends. A few kinks were found, and corrected. Thanks Guys!​

    I am very proud of this map for key reasons: 1) Unique map areas offering different gameplay, 2) Central Platform and its entry points came out way better than anticipated, 3) The lower half of the map, undecided as to its use at first, became a highlight of the map in its gameplay characteristics, 4) I really tried to accomplish a tight spawning system in this map that promoted certain spawns but still offered a variety when necessary, I think I nailed it, 5) The map is easy to navigate and understand at all times.​

    So in this first shot we can see a couple of the main features of the map. A Gravity hammer rests above the ground and can only be accessed from two upper platforms or a jetpack. Also we have the central grav lift which takes us to the Central Platform.​

    Old - Hammer and Grav Lift
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    New - Hammer and Grav Lift
    Not much has changed here however the angled and ramped platforms at the corner of Grav Center have been lowered to increase player flow and reduce interest in climbing these ramps.​

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    Central Grav Lift (Nothing Changed)
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    Old - Here is the Central Platform wide angle.

    There are, in total, 5 access points to this platform plus it is reachable by jetpack. This area, though it can't fire down on the main floor easily offers a great area for secondary fire on Overlook and offers a great way to get the drop on enemy.
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    New - Central Platform Wide Angle
    again not much has changed, but a few Man Cannon shots were being sent too far and I altered this area to prevent this from happening, the struts at the far ends and the central grav mechanism has been adjusted for smoothness.​

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    Nothing Changed - This is the lower half of Promethean.

    It features a unique battlefield common to DMR strafing battles with frantic grenade tosses. At its center is also a needler. This area is colored red to differentiate the area and promote call outs. *Side note* Small change, rather than a needler at center, two needlers are placed at each far end and a sniper is at center
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    Nothing Changed
    A view across Red area with the possibility of longshots from both sides of the map but with ample cover down in the field. Choose your engagements wisely.
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    Old - Blue Corner
    This area of the map is at the top corners of the map. It is home to some tight corridors and stairways. The lower backroom has a teleporter, and the upper has a one-way drop adjacent to this section.
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    New - Blue Corner
    this area has seen the largest areas of change along with Red Corner. I stripped out 3 walls to open the area up quite a bit along with made the one way drop more aesthetically appealing and added a shield door at its opening. The upper and lower level are also more open with key changes in the wall system throughout.​

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    View from the one way drop.
    Decent views to Overlook and across to Upper Top Corner
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    New - One Way Drop View

    If you look across you can see the distant Shield Door change and also down at hammer spawn you can see the pedestal it rests upon has been altered to fashion it into a more playable area.​

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    No Change - Green Room looking into Overlook
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    Old - One of the Teleporters to Central Platform color coded and easily identifiable as to which side of map
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    New - Lower Red Corner and Teleporter to Central Platform
    Here I altered the wall system again to open up this area, also of note the teleporters have been greatly altered to accept Elite Character models.​

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    Old - View out of teleporter, with color designator for map side
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    New - View out of Red Teleporter

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    Old - Long view of secondary man cannons to Central Platform
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    New - Long View
    Altered these teleporters here also, otherwise no change​

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    Old - Blue Side Teleporter
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    New - Blue Side Teleporter

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    Old - Blue view out of Teleporter
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    New - View out of Blue Teleporter

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    Old - Other Angle of Secondary Man Cannon
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    New - Long View of Blue Teleporter
    Again, Teleporter is main change here​

    Uploaded with

    Thanks for taking a look and keep and eye out in the near future for the actual map posting with a few updates. I'm hoping this one goes really strong and I'll need all the support I can get.​
    #1 Portal of Souls, Nov 10, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2010
  2. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow, not one post in here. What the hell is that about? First of all, I like the name. The map looks nice aesthetically and looks like it would play well (although thats harder to tell frrom screenshots). My only concern is the floating hammer. Im guessing it is set to fixed and there is an annoying glitch with fixed weapons that causes problems in-game. Other than that though, nice work.
  3. RodziR

    RodziR Forerunner

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    I love this map already. Can't tell much about it, but it looks fresh. Like Foundry with forerunner stuff. And is the hammer fixed or phased. If it is, change it to normal cause of glitch. If not, good work.
  4. Kittenpaste Company

    Kittenpaste Company Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow, yea really. How did this float around for a week? Looks amazing. I want to sniff around in it. :x

    As for the hammer, if it's fixed, change it to normal, invert it and then try to balance it on an upside down flag stand. The little spiky things on the bottom seem to hold things up pretty well. :D Been experimenting with this today since people have been using it right-side up for Energy Swords.
  5. Dizzyman572

    Dizzyman572 Forerunner

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    Wow, (Yes this would be the third post that started with the word wow.) this map looks very original and very fun to play on. I can't get a full mental image of this map with the pictures you've supplied, but I've seen enough to be very excited to see the debut of this map.
  6. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I am generally not a fan of Coliseum maps, but this one hits the sweet spot. You have a lot of interesting coloration and artchitecture. The combat looks like it would be fast and frantic. One concern I have are the Brace 'gates' on the ground floor. The openings look a little thin and might make it difficult for players - particularly Elites - to pass through. I'd suggest making one division down the center with a flat block instead of two.

    As Psychoduck pointed out, fixed weapons are glitched. I love your centerpiece so I hope you can find a way around this. The flag-stand solution that KittenPaste Company presented has worked well for me in the past, at least with the Energy Sword, so hopefully that'll extend to the Hammer. Best of luck on the map.
  7. Kittenpaste Company

    Kittenpaste Company Forerunner
    Senior Member

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  8. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    Thanks Guys for all the response so far. I just made a major update and have supplied a Old vs. New series of pictures to highlight changes. This map is ready for another round of testing and then I believe a release to the public.

    Psychoduck, thanks for the concern on the Hammer but I assure you I never set it to fixed. It took some fine tuning, but I managed.

    And TitanC005, also thanks, to your suggestion about the 'brace' gates I thoroughly checked this out, and it feels as though it is not an actual concern. Passing through seemed easy and navigable.

    Thanks everyone! One more test play and Promethean should be ready.

    "Time in its aging course teaches all things."

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