Little Hangars Overview Little Hangars is all about Banshee dogfights! All of the respawns on the map are right next to, or almost right next to two banshees, and are protected from spawn-camping by being placed inside of mini-hangars. There are a total of 4 of these mini-hangars on the map. All of them overlook the edge of various cliffs in the Hemorrhage area of Forge World. To make up for the limit of 8 banshees, each hangar has a boxed-in vehicle to serve as anti-air. There are also spartan lasers sprinkled throughout the map, encouraging players to explore beyond their mini-hangars when the banshees are in use. Gametypes I recommend using the TEAM variants of Crazy King and Slayer included in my fileshare for parties larger than 6 players. The free-for-all versions should only be used in parties smaller than 8 players. Curious players are rewarded with a spartan laser at the top of the saucer, and a teleporter to a sniper rifle. The bottom of the map is covered in teleporters to the hangars, so that stranded pilots are never left out of the action. A few more screenshots:
Pretty cool. Just it gives me a junky feel... Idk what it is, but im gonna dl and get back to you later.