Is this possible and how to do it? I'm going to try and explain the best I can. If have 2 mines A and B. A is tied to B. When the map load up Mine A is visable but B is not. A is destroyed and now Mine B appear and A does not. B is destroyed and now A shows up and now Mine B does not and it keeps going like that repeatedly long as the visable mine is destroyed. Can this be done? Can it be done with 4 were 2 is alway visible and 2 are not?? If yes how do you do this please???
I would set both the run time minimum and maximum to 1, that way there is always one active mine on the map, but never more than one. And then set the spawn time to 10 seconds or whatever; I don't think it matters. Then for mine B simply set spawn at start: no and you should be all set.
To add on to (and sorta replace) what he said, you should set both the Run Time Minimum and the Run Time Maximum to one (1) for both Mines. Run Times are universal, so if you edit it on one mine the other should instantly readjust itself. Now, if you want Mine B to only spawn after Mine A has been destroyed, make Mine B Spawn at Start: False, and Spawn Time: 180. Neither mine should be set to Never in their Respawn Times.
I will try that when I get on . Also is it possible to to make a time delay on Mine A spawning once B is destroyed but when A is destroyed B is automatically spawn when A is destroyer????
No, you can only do it once. Let's say you set A to spawn on start, never to respawn, and B to not spawn on start, spawn in 180 seconds (max), and then to the min/max thing. Once you hit A, B will appear...but that's it. A won't respawn again.