Hey guys I'm reseting all polls to zero since we actually have some catagories now...But the standing before the wipe are: Real Life Location - 15 (20.3%) Video game - 11 (14.9%) Theme - 2 (2.7%) Movie - 22 (29.7%) Mini Game - 6 (8.1%) Sport - 4 (5.4%) Halo 1 and 2 Reamakes - 6 (8.1%) Wonders of the World - 4 (5.4%) Fuity (haha get it?) - 2 (2.7%) Unforgeable - 2 (2.7%) Transformer! (Insert Transformer sound here) - 0 (0%) Game show...! - 0 (0%)
It would be so cool if somone made a map that started as a car, then transformed into the human form with like timed events and gravlifts
I know this is overused, but I would like to see Halo 1 and 2 remakes in the next contest... disagree with me all you want, I think this would be the most interesting. Either that or a movie because it'd be cool if someone made a good playable ship from Star Wars or maybe something from LoTR.
Please read the posts, both of those ideas are on the poll and have been suggested before. We don't need them reiterated
K sorry, anyway, themes are fun and some give you ideas you would have never thought of. Think about this theme, Hunting.
People as long as the winner gets at least 800 MS points and its easy for me too win I don't care what you do
I would be content with just a put your best map forth in a month's time. People would go all out and have perfect maps.
I agree with rusty eagle and but both halo 1/2 remakes and remakes of other shooters. There should be two sub categories "Halo Series Remakes" and "Remakes" The "Remakes" Section would be more strict with screenshots of both the original and the forged map. That'd be pretty cool. Probs wont happen though. Or one where you have to forge a certain map other than foundry, like "Forge Epitaph" or "Forge Ghost Town"
I'd like to see some other FPS locations/multiplayer maps ... like some old school Duke Nukem ones or Quake 3 Arena.
The wonders of the world sounds pretty cool as well, actually I dont hink it would. What do you mean by unforgeable?
I think the Wonders of the World is an amazing idea. Teach people how to give their maps more character and how to have that defining feature.
Suggestion I think halo 1 and 2 remakes would be the best course of action for this. Contests should be based on skill, and remakes would most likely take the most skill, while the other options would end up being partially graded on creativity, more so than a remake. So again, my vote is going for Halo 1 and 2 remakes.