this is my first map, and my first post on Forgehub, i hope i dont screw this up.. What is Carnage? Carnage is a large map suitable for Multiflag CTF, Team Slayer, and Assault. Blue Base: Red Base: Secondary Bridge Weapons: 1x Spartan Laser 2x Sniper Rifle 2x Rocket Launchers 2x Shotgun 2x Grenade Launcher 6x DMR 4x Plasma Turret Vehicles: 2x Falcon 8x Mongeese 4x Rocket Warthogs i recommend high amounts of players, as this map is quite large and playing 4v4 would really, really suck. im not sure how to end this, so i guess thanks for trying my map, and i hope you enjoy it
wow, this map is sickkkkkk. The bases look so cool, very basic, yet not made out of buildings,and i gotta say, the bridge and its underside are very original. and so cool. the only problem i can tell is that the map is too open. it seems like only two base and two bridges. I recommend adding 2 ghosts/warthogs/rocket hogs/or revenants to counter the falcons and this big map.what map only has falcon vehicles?(that inlcudes land, and is normal slayer)
there should be 4 rocket hogs, two between each base - i will double check as i was working on the under bridge while my friend was waiting for me to finish, so if anything from my map is missing, i am going to beat him like a red headed step child... also, i thank you for your criticism, and will look into what else i can add to make the map more balanced
there would be, if i had the cash.. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Fixed prevalent issues, new download link is HERE as always, i appreciate all input given