Focus Rifle vs. Sniper

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by rusty eagle, Nov 6, 2010.

  1. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I had a pretty lengthy discussion last night with Feign about competitive aspects to Halo. He came up with some a pretty good analogy about precision weapons vs. fully automatic ones.

    Basically, precision weapons take less skill, with skill being the ability to keep the reticule on the other player, than a fully automatic weapon. This is where Feign's analogy will help illustrate his point.

    Let's say you 1v1ed a bot that couldn't miss. He has absolute 100% accuracy.

    Now, for the first game you use DMRs. The bot could never miss, so he will always pull off that perfect five. You too can pull off the perfect five, but are prone to human error, so you will lose the majority of your battles, if not all depending on your skill level.

    Now, for the second game. Let's say you both use a slightly modified assault rifle. This assault rifle has no bloom and a tiny reticule, like that of the pistol. So it's deadly accurate, but ineffective at range. You'd never win an engagement.

    I think the focus rifle has some real competitive merit in it and I'd like to see MLG pick it up, at least for a trial run.
  2. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    So you're saying a AR takes more skill than a DMR? ROFLMAO is all I have to say

    Although I would like for MLG to pick up the focus rifle, it would have more power than a rocket in the hands of a good team, because a rocket with 4 shots will kill, maybe 5 people, but a focus rifle will take shields away from probably 10-20 people before it ran out of juice. Leaving teammates to do easy cleanup.
  3. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    In essence yes, it's harder to maintain constant continual aim than to place the reticule on the person when you pull the trigger. Is the AR as it is noobish, yes, because of the bloom. A modified assault rifle like I described would take more skill than a DMR. I gave the example, the logic is there. The fact that you can't do anything but scoff at it shows you're incompetence at argument and inability to understand anything relatively simple. Nitwit.

    I'll explain again.

    In a DMR fight, you're aim is never 100% always on the target, it doesn't have to be. You only have to place it on the person when you pull the trigger. That means you're given time in between you're shots to correct your aim. If you had an assault rifle like I described it would require more skill to use, because you can't afford to correct your aim. You'll die.
  4. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    I can see what you're getting at, but I don't think MLG will bother putting the Focus Rifle into their maps. It just takes too much time to kill. Then again, it also promotes teamwork, and I've yet to use it in an actual competitive game, so I redact my earlier statement.
  5. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Yeah, but to be able to pull off the five shots as fast as possible while keeping them all on the enemy's head requires you to pretty much have the reticle on it the entire time anyways. And where automatic weapons become noobish is the fact that you can spray and pray with them. Hold the trigger and try to keep the reticle on the enemy as much as you can, as opposed to timing shots that must all be accurate in order to win. But for your example of an AR with a small reticle and no bloom compared to the current DMR, and assuming that it would only kill the enemy in a reasonable amount of time if it was only trained on the head, I would say that it would indeed require more skill to use. Unfortunately the fact is that pretty much all automatic weapons in shooters have large reticles and bloom, but do less damage per shot, making them an easier weapon to use than single shot weapons which demand you to be on target with almost every shot (depending on the accuracy of your opponent).
    #5 Mander, Nov 6, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2010
  6. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    i dont think the FR is of any yourself that is. nothing makes me more mad then ripping a dude and my buddy is now where near to clean up the low shields! i think ive killed 2-3 people with the FR straight up. so if it was placed in a MLG game i think i would pass right over it and just depend of my DMR skills...
  7. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    You still have downtime in between shots. But, it segues into the focus rifle, which is an automatic weapon and in close quarters can be very deadly when someone skilled is using it because it requires deadly aim. It's just as deadly at range, but requires more skill to use at range.
  8. Gelatinous Yam

    Gelatinous Yam Ancient

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    I have yet to see a good argument against including it.

    Feel free to amend this.
  9. Impact Strafe

    Impact Strafe Forerunner

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    The FR is to effective against someones shields i.e. try this, 2v2 in a room, 3 with DMR one with a FR if they are of the same skill level then the team with a DMR and a FR will always win. The only gun that is more effective against shields is the Plasma Pistol however it is very ineffective at long range
  10. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    What if a dude had sniper and no-scoped two people in a 2v1. Or imagine a dude getting a double with rockets. Whether or not it's easy doesn't have much bearing on it's use since it would be used as a power weapon. I'm just pointing out that it does have it's merit as a item to contest over and be used. It's effective at close range and at long range, especially in skilled hands.
  11. riseagainst421

    riseagainst421 Forerunner

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    Really if 2 players one with a focus rifle one with a sniper the sniper could not scope at all and if he was skilled and could get a majority to the head then he couldn't see either. But in the end the sniper could easily get 2 shots in while the focus rifle waits to cool down his gun.
  12. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    I would be so happy if I could understand what you said just now.

    Anyways, you're not the only one to notice the appearant amount of skill that goes into using a Focus Rifle. Unlike the Sniper, which allows you to do just as much damage, and all at once at a time of your choosing, the Focus Rifle must be continuesly kept on target. Otherwise, the near-instant overheat will destroy any odds you would have had of winning the fight.

    Technically, since the Sniper only needs to be kept on-target once (twice max), it arguably takes less skill than the Focus Rifle. I'm hoping to see what kind of discussion this thread will spawn.
    #12 Hogframe, Nov 13, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2010
  13. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Focus Rifle has little to no aim assist while also not being an instant kill on contact with any area of the body. Easily comparable to a long range Plasma Pistol. Getting shot by it also isn't as frustrating either because it gives you a chance to run to cover. It's a weapon for the team player that likes to travel with a partner, taking out shields while the other player follows up with a headshot before moving to the next target.

    The Sniper Rifle, on the other hand, can destroy most vehicles with a full magazine, has a ridiculous amount of aim assist, an instant kill in the neck up, and frustrating as hell to get killed by. It's a weapon for the lone wolf and K/D *****. You will rarely see someone with a sniper rifle by anyone on either team save the people spawning next to them.

    As far as balance goes, Focus Rifle is the only balanced one of the two. As far as skill goes, Focus Rifle is the one that requires the most of it and no, twitch shooting hardly counts for skill. Especially in a Halo game. As far as host advantage goes, I've rarely noticed any significant advantage being or not being host with the Focus Rifle but every chance I get host and have the Sniper Rifle I turn into motherfucking Lee Harvey Oswald on thumb steroids.

    Sniper shouldn't be excluded completely though. It works fine in medium sized maps but in BTB? Focus Rifle is the only option when you account for balance and fun factor.

    Or you can just not have either one. Some of the best maps I've played so far in Reach feature neither one.

    For the MLG aspect of it, Focus Rifle > Sniper because it promotes teamplay.
    #13 Scobra, Nov 13, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2010
  14. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Hahaha no. I find it quite easy to get kills. Unless it's lagging. Then it's impossible for me.

    BOTH the sniper and focus rifle can be used as a "team player that likes to travel with partner" weapon. Both of them can get shields down rather quickly.

    IT DOES have auto aim. Only when you're not zoomed in though. It's much easier to get a kill close range because they can't see you with them being blasted in the face with a beam.

    This is just your opinion. I don't see the aim assist much though. Especially when zoomed all the way in, or out. Maybe it's just the sensitivity I use, maybe it's not.

    No, it's not JUST a weapon for "K/D ***** and Lone Wolf." If anything, it's more of a strategic weapon than a "k/d *****'s" weapon. It should be used to help your teammates get control of the map, get more power weapons, and/or guide them home with the flag. EVEN IF YOUR ALONE, AND YOUR TEAM IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MAP, IT IS NOT A "LONE WOLF" TOOL. Unless you can get no-scopes like nothing. Regardless, it's always a tool that helps out your team. If you're busy helping yourself, you won't last long with the sniper. Your team needs you alive as much as you need them alive. Especially if you have the sniper. Cause you're going to be a target, and your team does not want to give the sniper away. One way or another, you're going to need your teammates. THIS is why it's not a "lone wolf" item.

    AGAIN, this is your opinion. Maybe you're just better with the sniper than the focus rifle. They are BOTH very balanced. Sniper is incredibly hard to use close range. EVEN IF you no-scope then melee them. Getting the no-scope is REALLY hard. And don't say you get them "all the time."
    Only option? Really? No. Usually there's vehicles in BTB. A sniper MAY be able to take them out, but it takes at least four rounds. And then it's just a waste. Those four shots COULD have been used to take out four people. Instead, it's used to take out one where a rocket launcher or spartan laser would have done the job. It is STILL extremely balanced.
    Fail. Every weapon in the game promotes teamplay, and I quote myself, "Nothing has really changed, just the way we do it has." It really just depends on how you use it. You just don't think of how it helps.

    But this is all my opinion. I hope you don't get offended, because I don't want to write an apology reply as long down as an old porn star's breasts.
  15. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    A lot of halo players get confused with "skill" and think it only means one 1 Skill been able to 5 head shot a player with a DMR yes that's a skill but not the only one.

    I say Focus rifle. Because the sniper is way to overpowered.
  16. RodziR

    RodziR Forerunner

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    Focus rifle FTW, cause it's more a team weapon. Think about this, dmr against sniper rifle at mid-long range. Shots of dmr disturbes sniper, but his still able to put 2 shots to kill dmr guy. But when it's focus rifle against dmr at mid-long range. Dmr disturbes focus rifle guy, but his able to put few short bursts to dmr guy. Unfortunately, those short bursts aren't powerful enough to kill dmr guy and you must go back to your hole in order to survive. That is why you must stick with team with focus, but with sniper, you don't. As Frag Man says:"It really just depends on how you use it." He is right, but remember this, diferent weapons has diferent options of use. And with focus you don't have lone wolf option.
  17. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Well you can go lone wolf and it kill people by yourself, Most time i have to wait till there out in open enough so they can't get into cover before i kill them(just like i would with a DMR long range) So basically to me its a longer range DMR that shoot's different.

    Unlike sniper which can kill anywhere in sight one shot and with perfect aim full ammo can get 24 kills and full ammo perfect aim with Focus rifle I'm not 100% sure but I guess its about 7 kill's.

    So focus rifle seems like a fair long range weapon and Sniper overpowered :p
  18. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    I wouldn't say the sniper rifle is overpowered, I mean it does kill quickly but most people can't pull that off in a hectic MM environment. Its all about who's wielding the weapon. We've all seen that guy that goes straight for the sniper at the beginning of the match, and gets 0 kills, but keeps running back to it after every respawn. The sames true for every power weapon/vehicle. Its extremely powerful in the right hands.
  19. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    I agree completely with you on skill. skill in halo to me is quick decision making, being able to take out somebody effectively with a DMR is average. True skill is making the right decisions at the right times, what i love about halo is that in every encounter there are sooo many options.

    Now, about the sniper being overpowered, i disagree. It's a weapon you really have to get a feel for, and i don't have that feel. People who are naturally good with it, good for them, they can do serious work yeah, but people like me cant even touch a sniper without dying instantly.

    I LOVE the focus rifle, i've picked it up only a handful of times, and ive been taken out by it a handful of times. Nothing is more disorienting than getting blasted with one of those, whoever is in that beam is useless. It's an amazing weapon for sure and should be taken into account in any competitive setting.
    #19 CHUCK, Nov 18, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2010
  20. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    THANK you Chuck. Glad to see someone agrees with me.

    Focus rifle is beast, and if used right it is a great "lone wolf" weapon; if I had to choose between the DMR and FB, it would definitely be the focus beam.

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