The Gauntlet

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by iTs_NeXn, Nov 18, 2010.

  1. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
    Senior Member

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    New 1v1 map: The Gauntlet.


    Thing about this map, is it is specifically designed to play 1v1 headhunter with a single capture point. If that sounds interesting, I'll be running games over the next few days.

    Lighting FTW?
    #1 iTs_NeXn, Nov 18, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2010
  2. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    I really hope that colour is just from editing, and not the FX. Really not a fan of the purple, tbh.

    Aside from that, it looks superb. Some nice looking architecture on show here. Bit hard to determine a layout, but the screenshots are enough to make me willing to wait. :)
  3. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
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    Actually, the map does use the purple FX filter. I added spot-lights throughout the map to brighten it up, so there's absolutely no problem with darkness. The pictures aren't really edited at all, just a slight contrast adjustment and sharpening.

    Thanks for the compliment on the architecture though. I built the map after the Egyptian's architectural style, so you'll see some similarities if you pay close attention.
  4. Dizzyman572

    Dizzyman572 Forerunner

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    I think the map looks great. The only thing I'm not a fan of is the armor abilities on the map. But that's just me. Anyway, I can't wait to play this with my little brother when you release this map.
  5. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
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    The reason there is an evade pickup on the map is because the gametype it was designed for is Slayer Pro, which only has sprint as a starting ability. Evade is better than sprint in almost every way, so it is an insanely valuable pickup, so it should not be overlooked.

    I just got done running a few games with SoloXIII, and it plays way better than I expected. It forces you to move and keep control of the map, its weapons and the overshields if you want to keep your kills, as the capture point is in the center and that is most exposed area of the map. We had some intense moments where one of us were about to score 2 skulls by rushing the capture point carelessly, only to die and give your opponent 3 skulls. It's a different way to play 1v1, but definitely not a bad one. I actually really enjoy it.

    I'll be running more games tonight, and all tomorrow morning. Send me a message if you want in and I'll rotate opponents, we could possibly even get 2-3 1v1's going at a time with rotating opponents.
  6. robbie2705

    robbie2705 Forerunner

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    This looks quite interesting, and I really like the color palette used. Bit different than the sea of grey I often run into, but I can see how it could give people problems if their TV is too dark. Bungie though, is kind enough to give people an adjustment for that.

    I especially like the elevated bit with the pylons. Wish I had thought of that!
  7. xRage10

    xRage10 Forerunner

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    Though I admit this is a very, very nice map, I just really wish it weren't for headhunter. I'm not a big fan of that gametype.

    That aside, I might still be willing to try it. I'm curious to see it in action.
  8. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Thanks man. The map so far doesn't have any problems with brightness, even on the darkest settings in the brightness options, thanks to spot-lighting throughout the map.

    The release version will support all gametypes, like Sequence. The map was designed around Headhunter 1v1, but that doesn't mean it can't play slayer, CTF, KOTH and the like. 2v2 KOTH and CTF will probably be very interesting on this map, and I'll be testing those tonight.

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