This Map is Cool !!!!!!!! and made by me newmaker and here are The Scrennshots ( THE PASSWORT FOR THE SCRENNSHOTS IS = haha
Read the map posting rules. You need to place at least one screenshot and add description to your map. ´This map is Cool !!!!!!!!´ is not enough. I think you have to add a 300 word description (Am I right?)
Sorry mate, but your post isn't up to standards. Fix the following issues, or your post will be Locked, and become unviewable: All map gametype posts require at least one embeded picture or video. Add a description of at least 500 characters. (it's easy) Give information about your map. ~ More information and help on embedding pictures can be found at this link ~ Follow these few steps and you'll have yourself a great map gametype post. For future referance, read the Rules when visiting new forums. It'll save you a lot of time and correction. Cheers, HarisSales.
Also, spam (the thing you just did) is not allowed either. You're about one step away from being infracted, k?
Sry for the Spam and I Dont WOuld make Spam But im New i dont Know how i Post Screenshots buti have a Link to The Scrennshots and the Password for The Screenshots is = haha
Sorry, reclaimer, gotta lock this. You need to learn how to construct your threads before posting your maps. If you need help understanding what goes into a post, consult the Map Posting Rules: Forge Hub - Announcements in Forum : Halo: Reach Custom Content It has tips on how to present your map on the forums. I'd advise against reposting your map or posting new ones until you get accustomed to the map standards here at Forge Hub.