Greetings fellow forgers... this is my first time submitting a map to the forums. I am almost finished with a fully playable, nearly exact recreation of the Millennium Falcon. At the moment the Falcon is complete and now working on the hanger to be played in (hopefully) any game mode. More Pics To Come tomorrow.... Enjoy What do you think?
Yeah but can I fly it? No? Well then SCREW YOU BUDDY Just kidding. Aesthetically that looks awesome. I'm not too likely to download these kind of maps usually, but that one is really tempting.
I think that you have yourself a very well made star wars recreation! Hopefully it plays as good as it looks. From first glance it seems to fit as an aesthetic map first, playable second but I hope I am proved wrong. A proper marriage of great look with fun gameplay is the best! Did you make a C-3P0 stuck in cables and most importantly... where is the star wars holo-chess table?
thank you.... due to cost and piece restrictions... certain things i left out Aesthetically to work on gameplay. after i can get the gameplay factor up ill go back and add what i can.
The title reminded me of this YouTube - Robot Chicken Star Wars: Emperor's Phone Call - Adult Swim (Official) On a more serious note the aesthetics look very well done, for game play you might want a bit more cover on the the flight pad around the falcon itself, perhaps an entry way on top of the ship so there's a reason to go up there. Also are the banshees there for aesthetics or are they supposed to be flyable? I commend you for wanting a map that both plays and looks good, looking forward to seeing how this turns out
thank you... i am working on the mid-ground between the falcon and hanger for playability. the falcon has the top hatch like in the movie its off to the side of the top turret and there are ramps inside that lead you up there. and yes the Banshees are for game play. I am also considering doing an ALL Aesthetics version and put all the money and Pieces into the falcon.