Well, it's almost here. I actually finished something this time (what a shocker!) I'm in the final testing stages of my final build of Psychokinesis. I'll spare the words now until post time, which is Friday, November 26th. Save the date, and look for Psychokinesis on the 26th. IMPORTANT: I will be testing the maps from Thursday, November 18th, to Wednesday, November 24th. ALL TIME IS EST. Each day I will test from 7:30-8:30.(Note that 8:30 is the LATEST we'd play, it will probably be shorter.) Also take into account I may cancel testing if need be. The cancellation will (probably) have been announced on this thread already. If you'd like to test, send a Friend request to me on the day you want to play. Also give a reply below with your gamertag and the day you'd like to play. Each day will play 4 gametypes, eventually covering all (that it supports which excludes invasion and race, respectively.) Here is a list of days and their gametypes. *Stars indicate if I don't have a 100% guarantee of you being there, as you have implied, but not confirmed if you're testing. Day 1: Team Slayer, 2-Flag CTF, Team Headhunter and Team KOTH-(FULL) 1) AceofSpades* 2) Oo iRoNy oO 3) LIGHTSOUT225 4) Gunnergrunt 5) TEH Wild Mudkip 6) Lil Devil9597 7) sir derp 8) Dylanpwns u27 Days 2,3, and 4 have no official testing. You have a free weekend, but if Reach is your weekend, you'll see me on around midnight. Unofficial testing may occur, so keeps your eyes peeled for my name to pop online. Day 5: Big Team Slayer, Big Team 2-Flag CTF, Big Team Headhunter-(Open) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) Dylanpwns u27 Day 6: Team Slayer, Team Headhunter, Safe Havens/Infection and Stockpile-(Open) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Dylanpwns u27 Day 7: SWAT, Assault, Juggernaut, 3-Plot Territories-(Open) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Dylanpwns u27 All 36 who sign up on this page will have a section in the thread dedicated to them and their help. I appreciate it. Now some pictures of the final product. Psychokinesis will be avaliable on November 26. I will also be in the Forgetacular Contest. Sign up and help make Psychokinesis the best it can be!
O.O If I do not get a chance to play this sometime soon, I will be a very sad Ace... a very sad Ace indeed.
My gamertag is Oo iRoNy oO and I'm able to play any of those days to the best of my knowledge. Sign me up for which ever day you please.
Im in. Send an invite to LIGHTSOUT225. Ill probably be playing AC:B, but inv anyway. I'll probably be there shortly.
I'd like to test again. I didn't like the spawns on the first one and got lost all over the place. It also needed a few more weapons. Hopefully you've made some changes. I look forward to more games on this.
My gamertag is TEH Wild Mudkip, definetly want to play this, i can probs make tomorrow's, if not then definitely Wednesday's
Wow, Look almost as good as the G-Sketch Up you had in mind. I'll be glad to test! GT: Lil Devil9597.
You can sign me up for Thursday (day 1). Just invite me whenever it starts Ill probably be available for most of the weekend if you need testers GT: sir derp
Looks amazing, been wanting to try this out since the sketch up preview. Think you could sign me up for tonight?
List has been updated. Day One is filled and ready for testing. The next day, Day 5, is Monday. To zombiexix: Day One is full. Do you want to test on Day 5,6, or 7? To Chuck the bean: It took from late September/October to now. To Day 1 Testers: Be prepared by 7:00 EST. Invites will be sent at 7:30 roughly. Testing will start and continue until 8:30 latest. To all testers: Be prepared for changes. Minor, but noticable.
Yes, Cory, you can send me a friend request. Just know I will go in order of everyone who has replied, so if I do happen to get all my Day 1 testers you'll test on Monday. Though If I have open spots I'll be sure to invite you.
I'd like to test Friday and Saturday, but I'm not sure on either if FOR SURE I'll be able to attend, but I sure do hope so GT: Curious Corndog
This map was incredible. Although the aesthetics were very overwhelming, the gameplay was the best part of the map. It was definitely one of the best maps that I have ever seen. I recommend for everyone to try and sign up for any of the slots remaining.
Day 1 is over. It was somewhat of a success. To Curious Corndog: I'll send you a GT when I go on and you'll get a chance to play it. To Oo iRoNy oO: Wow, thank you so much for the praise, really appreciate it. I'm extremely happy you like the map so far. Thanks again for also coming online at the right time and being there to test it. To all Day 1 testers: Thanks for the testing and the comments. Your inpuyts can make all the difference here.