Requiem is a fairly large indoor building with bases on each side. In the main room there is the ground level then 3 levels of bridge work all connecting to secondary bases high above the ground level. I haven't had time to play test it a lot of my friends work different shift than me now. please check it out and let me know what you think. Weapon list x6 DMR x2 Needle Rifle x2 Needler x2 plasma pistol x2 pistol x2 shotgun x2 Concussion Rifle x2 Sniper Rifle x1 Plasma Launcher x1 Rocket Launcher x1 Focus Rifle
Okay, you don't need that many links. You need pictures instead! Take some screenshots, upload them with photobucket and then add them to the thread. A weapons list and any kind of detail would also be nice.
truly sorry never posted before got pics now but they are small i don't get it lol. have to work now when i get home ill mess with it. once again sorry I'm a noob...
You'll probably want to save the pictures from bnet to your hard drive, then upload them to photobucket. Then you'll have full size pics.
your post is not up to date. according to the rules it is REQUIRED that you have at least one picture (bigger than what you have) or video of your map embedded in your post. if you are having trouble with embedding screenshots, please see this forum. if you do not fix your thread it will be locked within 24 hours.
Fixed everything i needed too, this was my first post so i was a little clueless lol. I would love some feed back on my map i spent a lot of time with this one. Now that i have the hang of posting on here i think ill put up a few of my remakes hope you like them. also thanks for the help. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Anyone going to comment on this map or is it just garbage lol.