[FONT="]Sticky Situation[/FONT] by iTz ChEEZ3 & NlBBLES Recommended Players: 6-16 Overview: Neon Nightmare is a chaotic creation from the sick, twisted minds of two forgers who just want to sit back and say..”wait, what the fuu?”. You’ll need to constantly be on your feet to survive for any long standing amount of time. This nightmare will end relatively quickly for those who intend to sit still. How to Play: Sorry, that title is misleading. It actually makes it seem as though it is difficult to grasp. Well, it’s quite the opposite. Survivors: Your objective is simple. All you must do is… well how should I put this. Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge. Yeah, that basically sums your role up. Although, I feel like I’m forgetting something crucial in making sure no one does something stupid. Ah yes, you CAN’T kill the zombie. Infected: Your objective is also relatively simple. And by relatively simple, I mean even less difficult than the survivors role. You will spawn invincible with a plasma launcher. Don’t show any mercy , for this plasma launcher is quite unlimited, if you catch my drift. No? Well, maybe I’ll have to more in-depth after all. (Just kidding, I have no intentions of further describing how to play. If you are having trouble figuring it out, type up a PM and shove it up..). Phew, quite the write-up. Although it was completely useless seeing as that small wall of texts needs more pictures. Speaking of pictures, I’ve gathered professional quality photos that will make yo’ eyes bleed n’ stuff. Onto the pictures:
*sniffle* it's beautiful :') lol, but seriously, I can't stop looking at it! It's just so amazing! The Infection game also plays surprisingly well. Usually when a game is designed for aesthetic appeal, the gametypes suck. But this was actually pretty fun. Oh, and before you ask, yes, I actually did DL this about 2 minutes after you posted it.
Wait....wut? Well it seems like you were going for crazy and that looks pretty crazy. I'm guessing the humans are weaker than normal and you just gotta dodge psychedelic blobs of bouncy plasma in a neon tank filled with hallucinogenic forge phenomena. Sounds pretty sick.
duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuddddddddddddeeeeeee this is sooooooooooo trippppyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. jk... I had quite a time (I didn't say nice) testing this map with you. It is very chaotic and that always adds a nice bit of fun to the game. I still recommend 2 ZOMBIES.
From the pictures, the aesthetics look really cool. Will have to DL and see if the game play is just as good!
Two zombies would be way too hectic and you know it. I have thought about it but I just don't see it actually being implemented. I'm in the process of trying to make this map larger. More play space would change up the gameplay quite a bit, but I don't think it can be much larger than this.
I'm usually turned off by neon maps.. but this is drop dead GORGEOUS. Your geometrical effects are used so well.
Ah yes, I remember this map. It was actually really fun to play, with the whole sense of chaos in the area and just Evading like a maniac. Always thought it funny to watch someone Evade right into a plasma mortar.
Downloading as I type this, I'm always looking for new maps to play with when I mess around with friends. This seems perfect!
This is a really sexy looking map and im curious as to how you pulled off the effects so i will download and have a look
Go for it, do whatever you want with it. Also, most people didn't like the pen and ink I used to have on the map, but I thought it made the game 10x better. Expect a better version sometime in the future.