This is my remake of Anchor 9. It isn't very big so im not sure if you can play in with a whole bunch of people but i made it mainly for the look of it. Feel free to judge it or tell me if you like it in the comments!
Since you say it was made mainly for the look of it I suggest having it moved to the aesthetic map section or people will get the wrong idea. Also a few more pics and a description of the layout would be nice.
If you had enough budget to add it, you could make it night time (purple filter). No clue what the layout is so I can't say how it plays. Plus it's gonna be kinda pointless once the DLC comes out. lol
Just to let ya know, you picked a pretty bad name simply because one of the maps in the Noble Map Pack is called "Anchor 9," and naming your map that could be confusing. Just a thought.