SO my Fat 20gb xbox broke so i got the new 4gb SLim thinking it had a enough space but NO. Halo Reach says i need to have a hardrive to acces file share and cop campaign and other stuff so if i buy the 16gb sandisk xbox 360 flash drive will it allow me to use file share and the other stuff i cant do atm ?
Unless I'm mistaken, flash drives aren't counted as hard drives by the Xbox, but as just another kind of memory stick. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure you have to fork out for the full hard drive to access fileshare/local files etc.
Welcome to the club, buddy. I was worrying that this would be an issue before Reach's release because I had the same problem in Halo 3. It turns out the only fix Microsoft would tell you would be to buy the huge expensive Xbox Slim compatible HDD. There is an alternative though. I tried it with my own Xbox Slim and it works, so this isn't just a "well thats wot I heard lol, don't blame me" comment. The actual hardware in the New 360 external HDD is exactly the same as the Old 360's. I just bought a preowned HDD (20GB), smashed it open (although I really would recommend getting the proper hex keys) and popped in the bottom of my Xbox. *bleep bloop* it worked. I'll edit this comment when I find a tutorial on YouTube. Edit: This is the one I had up when I performed the surgery YouTube - How to put an old Xbox 360 HDD into Xbox 360 Slim Also, don't bother trying to get a USB memory stick to work. Yes, they're fine for profiles and saving all your content but they will not fix your Halo Reach problems.