Boarding Party

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by MikePage, Nov 16, 2010.

  1. MikePage

    MikePage Forerunner

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    Boarding Party

    Map weapons:
    2X rocket launchers (defending side)

    4X Falcon (attacking side)
    1X Falcon (defending side)
    4X Shade turret (defending side)


    This invasion map consists of two ships hovering above the central island in forge world. The attacking team has to board the enemy vessel and capture 2 critical areas, starting with the docking bay and secondly the cargo bay. In the third and final tier the attacking team will carry a makeshift bomb from the hanger bay to the bridge, turning the map into a claustrophobic corridor fight.


    Both teams spawn in the crew quarters. When the attacking team captures a location, they may spawn there.


    This map provides a nice variety of gameplay, requiring both vehicle and foot combat. Using the falcons, there are multiple ways in which the attacking team can infiltrate the enemy ship.


    Please feel free to comment and criticise; this map hasn't received as much play testing as I would like, but the time that has been spent on it has been fun.

    Please also note: the ships may not be the most beautiful creations, mainly due to the forge budget and object limits, but they do function as intended.

    1 Last thing: this map is my first entry to forgehub and as such may not be posted in the right section. If so, sorry!​
    #1 MikePage, Nov 16, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2010
  2. Moxidas

    Moxidas Forerunner

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    This is a totally cool idea. Giving players two areas that they can't get across except with vehicles is a nice way to direct the gameplay.

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