Heights This map makes original usage of the One way shield gadget on Forgeworld like never before! The Shields act like trampolines to make the melee combat more interesting. This takes a little explaining, but once in the game is easy, fun and simple to play and the more players the better! A basic explanation of the map would be to say that it is almost completely melee based with reduced gravity by 50% and increased speed on shield regeneration to make jumping higher easier and making pummeling enemies more difficult with extra points granted for carrying out an assasination. Every player starts out with a Plasma Pistol to make sure that at least the killing blows have to due to melee kills. Weapons are available but you won't figure out how to get them unless firstly you get a little lucky and have supreme exploratory skills! Each spawn point is fitted with a soft kill boundary to make sure that players cant camp on the spawn points instead of going out and getting into the action. The only camping that can take place is when a player successfully navigates to the weapon spawn at the bottom of the map, weapon spawns are at a very high timer so you won't get camped when your stuck into the pummelling action! A Gravity hammer comes in handy when it spawns in the middle of the map to. The Game type that comes with this map forces players to use melee to rack up points by pummelling and assassinating. Like I mentioned before this map is far more fun with lots of player so get your friends on here with you. It is also a relatively simple idea so making your own variation of the game type with one way shields is easy and doesn't take too long!
Map posts are only allowed to have the map name in their title. No using little tricks to get people to download.
My first post on the site, first attempt at a map of this sort as well. Even if the response to this map isn't great I'm gonna keep trying to work a map of this sorts. Playing it with less than 4 people won't be anything spectacular but I can see anything above 10 being a real good laugh. Playing would be the best way to get a feel for it as the pictures don't really do it justice, what i've played it has always been good fun, after all it is a casual map
Nice Idea! Found this to be quite fun to play with me and my friends, Was a nice way to chill and have some fun after a long days work. Really looking forward to your next map