i got a cool map that i want exposed not many people have heard about it but thats why im asking people to try it out and give me feed backs on what needs to be fixed heres a screenshot off of my gallery on bungie.net http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/s...pinned&gamertag=XxSHADOW KAOSxX&ssid=33159618
One: NEVER double post. Two: Hi, welcome to ForgeHub. This map is not up to site standards, and needs to be repaired in order to get any attention, and not be locked. Go HERE for a guide to posting maps.
And you spelled practicing wrong. What's your point? Cut the guy some slack. Not everyone uses FireFox and has the luxury of a sexy built in spell-checker (but I do).
haha wow way to say things nice. yea i had the same problem when i was new (i still am) but pictures on the front page are nice and try not to use links for the pictures either... many people (like me) are too lazy... other than that cant wait to see the pictures
looks good im going to download it but if you want more download take more pictures on post them on this page , dont give a link
Ok, so to start things off you need to put the map you made on your xbox file share first. Go into bungie and then copy the link and put it on here... so that we can download it! Also we want to see pictures on here (without clicking on links). To add pictures put them on your file share just like your map variant. Once they are on bungie go and and save the pictures on your computer. Go to a website (like photobucket for instance) and upload the pictures. Once they are uploaded copy the "direct link" and post them on here (image button is a yellow mountain looking thing). Paste the direct link web address you copied in the window that opens and then they will show up.