
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Wristies, Nov 16, 2010.

  1. Wristies

    Wristies Forerunner

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    Hey everyone, first post.

    My friends and I enjoy playing SWAT and Team SWAT, and were unhappy with the maps on offer, so I decided to make Colony. Colony is my first map and made in the Quarry area of Forge World and designed for fast paced, quick killing games. A big part of this map are the aesthetics. As it's designed for SWAT, there are no weapons, armour abilities or power-ups on the map. It still needs some tweaking based on feedback so please download it and leave feedback, whether it be good or constructive criticism.


    The map is enclosed in glass walls and rock. Full credit goes to 'rbenhase' for the idea on his map Mint. (

    Inside you'll find two symmetrical bases on either side with an aerial in the middle for cover.

    Against the back wall is the warehouse complete with a crane.

    You'll notice the bases are modeled on those from Beaver Creek..

    Complete with spawn points,

    And booster to the roof.

    I experimented with underground passages but ran out of money and couldn't develop the idea further.

    Behind the bases are two way portals leading to the other side.

    The view after leaving red base.

    Please download and tell me what you think.
    #1 Wristies, Nov 16, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2010
  2. v0ltecpr0

    v0ltecpr0 Forerunner

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    Wooww the window structure covering the map rocks!!, but i think u may put a lil more effort into the inner structures though. 3/5 ;)
  3. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The thing I really like about this map is that it is not "yet another path map", but actually has a theme to it.
  4. Fortified Brad

    Fortified Brad Forerunner

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    I give it a 3.5/5 for the exact same reasons

    xGOT THE EDGEx Forerunner

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    This does look like it will be very fast paced, especially for SWAT. Going to agree with the others, the side window structure looks great and adds a lot to the map aesthetic wise. Also agree though, that maybe the inside structures could use a little more effort, but I wont know for sure until I download it. You got a DL from though. So nice work.
  6. Wristies

    Wristies Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feedback. I somewhat agree with more work needed on the bases but never did because hardly any fighting is done inside/ on them so I didnt see it as important.
  7. Grumpy Duckling

    Grumpy Duckling Forerunner

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    The window structuring is gorgeous! It really caught my attention. I might have given the bases a little bit more of an "earthy" look... but that's just a preference. Awesome looking map!

    NANGIE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    window structure looks strangely like a map i saw on here recently called mint.
  9. Skarrow

    Skarrow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    did you even play the map? sounds like you just looked at the pictures and decided to grade it without putting in any real thinking.

    I really enjoy simple maps, and this one looks great, gonna try it out and get back to you later.
  10. Wristies

    Wristies Forerunner

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    I gave credit to rbenhase if you read the thread. It was inspired from his map.
  11. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I saw mint. Mint has nothing special to it..

    The real problem I see in maps that are being posted is that they are all the same, they just look different. They are all path maps, and that makes them boring.

    This is one of those less than 5% posted maps that actually has a theme, which takes you into a "place", and that is entertaining...

    Well, at least that is how I look at maps...
    #11 MrGreenWithAGun, Nov 17, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2010
  12. xGOT THE EDGEx

    xGOT THE EDGEx Forerunner

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    Okay, so I downloaded the map, like I said I would. And I like it more than I did. I wasn't sure about the buildings, but once I downloaded them, they are pretty good, and I take my statement back about putting more effort into them. I like the buildings. I especially like the grav lift that takes you to the top of the bases. Nice touch.

    However, there are a few issues that I would fix with the bases:

    1.) Add two more entrances into the bases. I would suggest an entrance on each side of the bases. This would prevent camping. I know you designed this with SWAT and Slayer in mind, and in my opinion that should make you want to add more entrances even more. Players will spawn, they will have two options: A.) Leave the base out into the open and have a chance of taking a headshot from any direction...or B.) Stay in the base and headshot the other team as they come in. My guess is A LOT of players would choose the latter. Also if you plan on adding any type of CTF gametypes or other objective based games, additional entrances will make the map play even better.

    2.) Remove two of the health packs in each of the bases. You should really only have one health pack inside each base. I would even suggest moving the one health pack that you do keep to an outside wall of each base. Giving the health pack a "high risk / high reward" factor.

    3.) Move the health pack in the "crate hanger" to more of the center. This would balance it out a little more.

    4.) The ramps on each side leading into the "crate hanger" are a bit higher than the floor. Now, it isn't too noticeable until you exit the hanger on either side, then it affects gameplay just a tad. This is an extremely easy fix though. Grab the ramp, click in and hold the left stick and press LB (while still holding in the left stick). This will lower the ramps just enough and align them perfectly or almost perfectly with the floor, making gameplay much smoother when entering and exiting the "crate hanger."

    5.) Add additional gametypes.

    Now with that said, I do like this map a lot. I love the glass wall, the lifts that take you to the top of the bases, and the "crate hanger." The fact that there is still a crate that is still being held up is awesome and really adds to the map, aesthetic wise. Great job.

    If you fix the above issues and post a Version 2, I will re-download for sure. I could see this map being a map that I would play a lot in customs.

    Oh, and one more suggestion, if you do add additional gametypes, like CTF, I would remove the teleporters. This would make it too easy to score. If you don't, and keep this strictly a Team Slayer/SWAT map, then they are fine, and I would keep them.

    Nice work!

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