
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by x black kn1ght, Nov 16, 2010.

  1. x black kn1ght

    x black kn1ght Ancient
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    Map Summary: The idea behind this map was to create it around a theme of a water/hydro powerplant. The map is desgined so 4vs4 can be played as well as 8vs8 with intense DMR fights between the rocks as well as having flanks on both sides. Power weapons are located in exposed areas so teamwork is important in order to sucessfully secure them. The map supports CTF, Assault and Slayer.

    Video: Spillway

    Weapons/Vechicles and Equipment:

    Ghost - 150
    Mongoose x4 - 30
    Reaveant x2- 180

    Neutral Rockets - 180 (1clip)
    Neutral Sniper - 150 (2clips)
    Neutral Sword - 180
    Focus Rifle x2 - 120
    Grenade Launcher x2 - 120 (4clips)
    Plasma Pistol x2 -30
    Various DMR's and Needle Rifles.


    Overview of the whole map with the wind turbines in the background:
    Overview of the dam it's self and pipes in the background:

    Mancannons behind Dam with 0 fall damage and you can take vehicles across:
    Dam front with rockets on the spillway:

    Neutral ghost:
    Turbine emits noise :p
    The generators were the sword spawns:
    Blue base:

    Special Thanks: Go Gibran for the video, LittleHoundi the banner, The Workplace and HaloWheelmen for testing.

    Thanks for viewing :]
    #1 x black kn1ght, Nov 16, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2010
  2. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This looks a good big team map! I like the wind turbines in the back ground and the natural rock cover! DL from me!
  3. x black kn1ght

    x black kn1ght Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Tried to include as much natural colour as possible using grass to water then to sand with rocks as cover in various places :p

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