Truth and Reconciliation Hanger Bay (T & R for short)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by TheGodOfWar91, May 6, 2008.

  1. TheGodOfWar91

    TheGodOfWar91 Ancient
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    T & R
    Created by TheGodOfWar91, Shinuyasha, and Souqman.

    Supported Gametypes:
    team slayer, slayer, oddball, assault, works great for team ctf

    Map Description:
    If anyone here has played halo 1, then you'll know what this is. It's the hanger bay from the halo 1 campaign level, Truth and Reconciliation! This may not be an EXACT remake of the hanger bay, but thats because it's been modified for a multiplayer experience.

    The map is basically split into 3 pieces: The 2 tunnels, and the Hanger Bay. You know the wall in foundry's natural geometry? Well, the tunnels are on each side of it; and everything beyond that is the hanger bay. I hope the pictures help explain it. In symmetrical games, the 2 teams, flag/capture point, and bomb spawn/plant point, are in the tunnels.

    There are 2 ways to get to the hanger bay from the tunnels: The first way is the simple and lazy way. You just take a turn and walk through the shield door. This way may be easy, but you don't really have that many weapon choices. Which means if someone were to ambush you from above, BAM! You just gave the other team an easy kill. The second way involves going all the way up via the stairs. Its a more time consuming option, but it gets you the high ground, and more weapons along the way. This whole 2-way thing was an attempt to balance the map. I think it worked great.

    The hanger has 3 "arms", just like in the campaign level. The middle arm has the sword, but is risky to get to. The other side arms each have a sniper rifle on them. It may seem like this a great way to camp, but there's a grav lift on the bottom floor under each arm that takes you to that arm. So while your sniping people, someone could just pop up from the grav lift, and......well, you know the rest. There's also 3 pods under each side arm, comprising of barriers and shield doors. These are useful in a sticky situation, but are useless from a beatdown. And yes there are shotguns in the tunnels, but the only have 6 shots in them. Thats about it. Here are the pics:

    Overall shot: Hanger Bay

    Sword spawn

    Tunnel entrance: bottom way

    Tunnel entrance: top way

    Getting the sword isn't easy!

    The pods

    Grav lift to the arms

    I hope everybody enjoys this map as much as I did making it. Happy forging!

    Download here:
  2. darkmuse19

    darkmuse19 Ancient
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    ah glad to see your first map post god of war. anyway heres some constructive criticism: some walls look crooked and the first and second pic make the map seem empty. i like the pods though. interlocking would've made the map look better but seeing as you probably didn't know how until you joined, its okay. but overall its pretty good for your first map post again. 7/10 btw very nice description
    #2 darkmuse19, May 6, 2008
    Last edited: May 6, 2008
  3. Fly

    Fly Ancient
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    Interlocking is a must. Please consider.
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I like the inspiration behind your map, but to no offense, this isn't all that well done. Interlocking is not a must, but it is suggested.
  5. TheGodOfWar91

    TheGodOfWar91 Ancient
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    sorry guys, i didn't realize the walls were that crooked. i will update the map as soon and as best as i can with interlocked walls. thanks for the advice. :)
  6. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Yeah I love the idea, it just would look so much better with interlocking
  7. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Personally I really think you should add some pics of the real thing so people can get a close comparison of the two.
  8. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    k, so its obvious you understand that already...

    and you definately should add some pics for people to get a comparison
  9. lazyrus

    lazyrus Ancient
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  10. Craz

    Craz Ancient
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    Oh yeah....I remember that part of campaign. Always got stuck behind boxes and stuff. Very annoying >.< Map looks good though.
  11. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I dont remember this part, dont remember anything for Halo C.E.
    Looks like a good set out although it desparately needs interlocking
  12. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
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    I really like the idea, but as mentioned so many times before, interlocking makes a world of a difference.

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