You know what this ^ is? Its a halo reach gametype image found on Its also the VIP gametype image. What gives? Direct link: I found it by changing the number at the end of the address. Comparison: Halo 3 VIP gametype Dont know if this is the right or wrong section for this, but still. Discuss. Also if you keep changing the numer you get some strange things: It keeps going up to 38. The last being the forge variant.
Maybe they aren't all for gametypes, but for playlists instead. The second and third images look like they're for Action Sack and Grifball, respectively.
I hope they're gametypes because they surely remind me of user-created gametypes that I've grown to learn and love. I believe that these are:1)Action Sack 2)Grift Ball 3)Some sort of Revball (because that's the only working soccer-based gametype that I've seen that works) 4)a Heatshots gametype 5)Monster Trucks? 6)IDK 7)IDK 8)IDK 9)Defend the Castle. Any thoughts on 6-8, or better guesses for the ones I've already stated?
I'm thinking the 5th one down is most likely going to be used for a Race playlist. Included Gametypes: Rocket Race Rally Race
Good find... I doubt the soccer ball will be "Revball"... They could have been just some original drafts for potential gametypes that didn't make it in bungie's eyes.. OR they could all be part of a new action sack or community gametype playlist.
This got me excited. I'm getting really tired of the limited playlists we have on Reach. I find myself on Forge instead of playing actual games out of boredom. Hopefully this is one of those random updates they do every few weeks and not something that will require DLC.
The soccer ball image might have been made in anticipation that the community would make a fun gametype that involves the soccer ball. A lot of those pictures seem kind of generic; maybe they're just stock images to use for future playlists/ gametypes.
VIP, Grab Bag, Grifball, Soccer?, new SWAT?, new Race?, ?????, new Territories?, new Slayer?, new Territories?
Last ones gotta be Influential VIP. Idk where i got this, but at some point that plus was used to represent a VIP that healed players around him.