
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Sethiroth87, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. Sethiroth87

    Sethiroth87 Ancient
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    Created by Solo XIII and Sethiroth
    Description: Rise is a symmetrical, two-base design that draws inspiration from the MW2 map "Highrise."
    Story: I have played a ton of MW2 over the past year, and over time, I have come to love the level Highrise. When i decided to make a design based on the map, I got in contact with my friend Solo XIII, who also has spent a lot of time in MW2.
    There were specific parts of Highrise's geometry that interested us, and when going over the design in Sketchup, we noticed that the map was oddly similar to The Pit. Both of us had reservations about designing another stalemate map, but with some fine tunning and redesigning, we thought could bring a fresh map over to Halo Reach.
    After countless hours of forging and playtesting we finally have decided to release Rise, and we hope you will download and play the map for yourselves. Even if you have never played MW2, the design is simple and intuitive, and the gameplay it encourages is nothing like the original, "Call of Duty" style.
    Gametypes: This map plays the same gametypes you would expect from a large MLG two-base: Team Slayer, Capture the Flag, and Neutral Bomb.
    This map also plays a new gametype that Solo and I modeled after Call of Duty's "Domination." We playtested this gametype the most and found that it is one of the most competitive gametypes we have played in Halo Reach. We call it MLG Three Plots.
    Thats right, Three Plots.
    This gametype is reminiscent of COD 4s GameBattles settings.
    Teams contest for control over three territories, placed carefully around the map. Games are played for ten minutes with no limits for score. Whichever team has the most points at the end of the game wins. It sounds simple, but give it a try. It plays very fast, and there is plenty of strategy involved.
    If you want to get the best experiance that this map has to offer, please play "MLG Three Plots" on Rise.
    Weapon and Pick-ups
    Rocket Launcher -------- 178s Drop Spawn
    Sniper Rifle x2 ----------- 118s Drop Spawn
    Grenade Launcher ------ 88s Drop Spawn
    Plasma Pistol x2 ---------- 90s Normal Spawn
    Needle Rifle x4 ----------- 30s Normal Spawn
    Grenades x4 ------------- 30s Normal Spawn
    Plasma Nades x4 -------- 30s Normal Spawn
    DMRs x4 ------------------ 10s Normal Spawn
    Jet Pack x2--------------- 1s Normal Spawn
    Armor Lock -------------- 1s Normal Spawn
    Oversheild --------------- 120s Normal Spawn
    Top Helipad
    Long Hall/Top Lift ( This is where Grenade Launcher is located )
    Rocket Hall ( The Rockets are located on the wall behind the picture and you can see Armor Lock )
    Red Pit ( Plasma Pistol spawns on the box to the bottom right of the picture )
    Red Base ( If you look closely you can see Jet Pack hanging at the top right of the picture )
    Bottom Red ( Sniper is located in this area, also there is a sender node that will take you to the sniper tower )
    Sniper Tower ( This is where to the tele takes you to thats located at bottom base. Its a one way trip )
    Bottom Lift ( You can see Overshield spawns here )
    Please leave any comments and feedback. Thanks and have a great day
    Side Notes: This is the post from MLG. This map plays Default also just make sure to make Armor Abilitys on map none, and if you forget to do that it dosent hurt. This map plays best with DMR starts but can be played how ever you want.

    Reserve for updates/Fixs:
    MLG 3-Plot This Gametype is the maps best gametype and is ment for the hardcore.
    Domination This is the default gametype. So if you like Armor Abilitys and Elites, this is for you
    #1 Sethiroth87, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010
  2. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    How have you not already? I'm honestly surprised.

    This map is awesome. A textbook example of how to keep lines of sight long without making the map a wide open mess. Large, chunky cover, many alternate routes, and height variation throughout. That's how you do it people.
  3. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    Why isnt this getting any attention? This is my favorite symmetrical map ive played so far in Reach. I never felt like staying in one place while playtesting, the incentives for movement are great on this map with there being a good reason to be in any given place on the map.

    My favorite part of testing was 3 plot, I had such a good time playing that gametype, it felt different from anything ive ever played in this game. Flag was also really fun.

    Overall youve got a great design here for your first released Reach project, I cant wait to see what other stuff you can come up with.
  4. Sethiroth87

    Sethiroth87 Ancient
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    @ Spaceneil - I will make sure you get in on some games next time.

    @ Hector - I am glad you enjoyed the map some much

    @ Ladnil - Thanks for reconizing the hard work put into this map
  5. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    I am rather disapointed this map isn't getting as much attention as it deserves. This is the cleanest or at least one of the cleanest maps I've been lucky to whitness. My favorite symmetric map by far, a very solid design, and I gotta say domination in Reach is amazing. I hope that many others start to acknowledge this map's great qualities. I have to start making MLG maps too so we can run more MLG customs, playing this map and the other one that I won't make any hints about ;) was very fun and competative (if you ignore that I'm no pro).

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    The design here rocks. Great job guys. I've only checked it out in forge so far, but Im excited to get some in-game action on it soon! I dig the spaces, and I like the addition of the jetpack. I think it'd be a pretty valuable tool on this map. It's basically a power weapon. Ill be back again after I get some games in. And I'm definitely gonna try your MLG 3-Plot variant.
  7. Sethiroth87

    Sethiroth87 Ancient
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    Thanks Light and Urban Myth.

    This map also plays default varients also. ITs just also plays MLG also
  8. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    It's really depressing how little attention maps that are designed to play well rather than look pretty get. This is the best map in Reach, and it has less comments than the average map post that's formatted wrong. So, so sad when a map that has no pictures gets more posts "helpfully" informing the poster how to post images than a nearly flawless map.
  9. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    Deleting my post, as it may offend some people. I didn't finish it either, so it counted as spam.
    #9 4shot, Oct 26, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010
  10. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    No FFA spawns. Team spawns though. Best map is still the best.
  11. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
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    I played a little on this map and I have to tell you, its really goddamn fun. This map deserves alot more attention then what its getting. The design was also great for MLG. I'm definitely keeping this one.
  12. Sethiroth87

    Sethiroth87 Ancient
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    Thanks Handicap.
  13. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    Really? I played this in teams (Although, I was the only one in the game) and every time I respawned, I always ended up in some random place on Forge World.

    Oh, and how come my post is so short? I must have accidentally submitted it before I finished it. Sorry, mods! :|
  14. rbenhase

    rbenhase Ancient
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    A good map.... better than the pictures would lead you to believe. I think this map hasn't gotten all that much attention because the pictures aren't all that impressive or at least don't stand out. But this map looks neat and clean, and it plays extremely well. It is a very good map to keep on your HDD for a custom game night with friends, especially for slayer.

    Nice work.
  15. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    I did a walk through of it and the feel of it is more akin to halo 3's pit than MW2's high rise in all honesty. Really the only time I felt it resembled high rise is looking at from the side at the two "building" fronts. High rise has a bit more length to it and a very distinct underground portion which links all the upper ground parts. Also a part of High rise that I think would have transferred well to this map would be the two little rooms outside of both bases. The one on the hanging platform and the one with a cardboard box on top of it. These provided great cover and sniping spots.

    Anyway, comparisons to mw2 aside, I thought "Rise" looked very good and plays very well. Having said all that stuff about mw2 earlier I like how you made this map based on that map but did not remake that map. CoD maps don't translate well to Halo but you halofied it well.
  16. Sethiroth87

    Sethiroth87 Ancient
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    Thanks Pacmonster1 and rbenhase.

    Hey 4 Shot could you link me a Game that is Team Slayer, CTF, Terriroties or Neutrual Bomb where you spawn out side the map. That would help
  17. dschu012

    dschu012 Ancient
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    it is too easy to exploit the jetpack. you can get way ontop of the map with it easy. or hide in places on the bottom of the map where you can't be found.

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