Hydro Power

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by orcfeller, Nov 15, 2010.

  1. orcfeller

    orcfeller Forerunner

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    I am thinking of entering this map into the Bungie forgetacular contest under the team slayer category. This is basically my second map ever made using forge, however, everyone I've shown it to so far has said that it is very good, so I figured I'de post it here and get a few professional opinions. A few of these images are from previous version of the map, but they will serve the purpose of showing the general layout. Note that the download link is to the most recent version of the map.

    Please, if you view this thread, download the map and rate it. All feedback is appreciated. Keep in mind that this is my second real map ever forged in halo history. I also need actual 4v4 gameplay on the map, so if you are willing to help add me (orcfeller) to your friends list and send me a message. I will try and get some team slayer games on the map going during Thanksgiving week. Currently only 4v4 Team Slayer is supported on the map.

    When I made this map I had construct from halo 3 in mind, but this map evloved into something a bit different. You may notice a few elements that are similiar to construct, but it is basically an entirely new map. Another thing to note is that while the map is floating above water, you CAN walk on the water. When I first made the map I was thinking of basing most of the map off of this, but currently the ability to walk on water plays only a minor role.

    The aesthetics for this map is that this is a human power plant that is using halo's waterfalls for energy. One of the side effects of this is that the water surface tension has sky-rocketed allowing humans to walk on the water surrounding the plant. This might not be terribly clear in the map, but I focused on gameplay while making this.

    I designed the map so that the teams start off at opposite sides of the map in the middle altitude level. All of the power weapons are located in the center of the map, although they are at different altitudes. Also nothe that while the skeleton of this map is somewhat symmetrical, there are assymetrical elemts in the map.

    This is just a general side view of the map. Since the map is somewhat symmetrical the other side of the map looks almost the same. The lower platform has a grenade launcher spawn. The small block in the water in teh left of the picture hosts a rocketlauncher. There is a tunnel system unviewable in this picture that has an energy sword, and the tunnel the spartan is running into has a shotgun. Also on one of the upper platforms there is a sniper rifle spawn.

    A lower view of the map. Note that this picture is outdated and the rocket launcher no longer spawns on the block. Instead a grenade launcher does. Also, the ceiling above the spartan is the floor of a tunel system.

    Alright, so in this picture you can see that the spartan is running across the water. A rocket launcher does spawn on a 1x1 block near the ramp inot the water. Also located in the water is a man cannon which will launch the player to the top of the map.

    In this picture you can see a spartan about to go through a one-way shield into a large room. This room is near the top of the map, and the man cannon that launches players to the room is the same one as described above. Note that there are also bridges that connect to this room.

    This is a picture of the back of the map's tunnel system. As you can see this is where the sword spawns. These tunnels are also a very good place to use the hologram AA, especially with the sword.

    This shows the stand alone stunnel where the shotgun spawns. The reason I made a tunnel around the shotgun was to prevent jet-pack rushing and also to prevent people from sniping anyone running towards the shotgun since the area around the tunnel is a hot-spot.

    A view from an elevated platfrom on the map. Note that the bridge viewable in the picture has been changed to remove cracks, and that there is no longer a concussion rifle spawn. Also, the platfrom viewable in the right of the picture is where the sniper rifle spawns.
    #1 orcfeller, Nov 15, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2010
  2. Grumpy Duckling

    Grumpy Duckling Forerunner

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    I like the name of your map :) We think alike!
    Also, very nice map!
  3. Fortified Brad

    Fortified Brad Forerunner

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    Nice map, would of liked to of seen a bit more far back screenshots.

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