
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by CyborgAnthro, Nov 15, 2010.

  1. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    Confrontation is a medium-large, reverse symmetrical map with two and a half levels. It is heavily gameplay focused and not so concerned with aesthetics, (so please do not be deterred by its lack of attention-grabbing objects). Between the long open stretch in the middle of the map and the rooms and walkways on the sides of the map, it has some interesting lines of sight and a mix of close quarters and ranged combat. I’d like to thank Col Keller, who let me use concepts from an early version of his map, Retroactive. I have since created a unique map but am still indebted to his ideas.

    This is a long and fairly linear map but still has many pathways to traverse it. It is heavily two-team oriented map although free for all and multi-team game types can be fun here as well. The ideal scenario for this map is probably 4v4 but it can support a chaotic game of up to 6v6.

    I designed this map to accommodate all styles of play (in terms of ranges of combat). Each of the pathways to the opposite side of the map has its own risks and benefits. While the middle path is open to sniper fire, the side paths are more vulnerable to shotgun. The top middle walkway is especially open, but also very direct, and has the rocket spawn for those that cross at the right time.

    Another thing I had in mind when making this map was that I didn't want any one path to be too easy. Since the side passages of the map have so much cover, I wanted players to have to go through some open space to get to them. Otherwise everyone would just stay on the sides of the map and never go in the middle. I didn't want to make it easy for players to enter the tunnel and go straight from one flag to the other, so I made sure that traversing the map in any path requires crossing the open divide along which the map is reversely symmetrical.


    Rocket spawn:

    Spawning inside blue base:

    Sniper spawn in upper right of pic:

    Where this man cannon goes:


    Some side passages reminiscent of the lift rooms in construct.

    Shotgun Spawn:

    The supply pad area where the flag spawns:


    The middle of the map, which is a bit of a pinch point, but with many pathways through it:

    Bird’s-eye view:

    The Weapons:

    8x DMR, 30 secs, 2 spare clips
    2x Needle Rifle, 30 secs, 2 spare clips
    1x Rocket Launcher, 180 secs, 1 spare clip
    2x Sniper Rifle, 180 secs, 0 spare clips
    2x Shotgun, 180 secs, 1 spare clip
    1x Concussion Rifle, 90 secs, 1 spare clip
    1x Grenade Launcher, 90 secs, 3 spare shells
    2x Needler, 30 secs
    1x Plasma Pistol
    1x Plasma Repeater
    2x Assault Rifle
    2x Magnum

    8x Frag Grenades, 30 secs
    8x Plasma Grenades, 30 secs
    4x Med kits
    2x Mongoose, 60 secs

    Due to the long and open parts of the map, I didn’t want this to be too easily controlled by a good sniper, so I reduced its spare clips to zero. I wanted this map to be more about the DMR than the sniper, but the exchange between snipers and the fight for the rocket at the beginning of the game can get quite interesting. I also generally put more and better weapons on the ground level to promote circulation. My current pics don't do the map justice, so I'll be updating them soon.

    As always feedback is much appreciated!

    Download Confrontation
    #1 CyborgAnthro, Nov 15, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2010
  2. Dr D04K

    Dr D04K Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks good (reminds me a little of Orbital, which isn't necessarily a good thing), I like simple clean layouts with open space. Too many forged maps feel cramped because of unnecessary "cover".
  3. Skarrow

    Skarrow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey man looks like a pretty sweet map too bad its not getting much attention I'm definitely downloading though I'll get back to you hopefully after playing
  4. Twisted Tension

    Twisted Tension Forerunner

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    This is a pretty cool map. So far though the only thing I dont like is the very little cover on certain areas. I love the tunnels though. Great job on that. All in all it is a very good map! My Props!
  5. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
    Senior Member

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    I too feel it needs a bit more cover. Adding a few more crates to the bases wouldn't detract from the aesthetics of the map and play better.
  6. Dralthi

    Dralthi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map looks pretty nice it just seems a bit... plain, at least in a few spots. I don't know if you used all your budget or not but if not maybe add some more cover or aesthetic structures. Also, consider including a weapon list so we know what to expect. Good work though.
  7. Dart3rocks

    Dart3rocks Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Maps seems extremely balanced and everything is well placed. This map is by far one of the best I have seen
  8. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    Wow thanks for all the comments.
    Thanks. I intended it to be clean and open in the middle of the map but apparently people aren't liking that part so much...

    @Twisted Tension, PacMonster1 and Dralthi:
    I do have a bit of budget left. What I tried to avoid in this map was just adding random pieces of cover wherever they were needed. I wanted the "natural" cover of the map to be what guides player movement. But based on the comments, maybe I will add a few more cover structures to the spacey areas. Unfortunately I used up all the crates but maybe I can move some of them out into the open areas or add some other objects.

    @ Dralthi: I actually already had the weapons list up, I guess you missed it.

    @ Skarrow and Dart3rocks: Thanks! This is by far one of the best comments I've received.
  9. Skarrow

    Skarrow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I second this, maps don't have to have huge amounts of cover in the just to be good, just take a look at hemorage! (I don't think I spelt that right) I played it and the map is great, I will probably use it as one of my maps for my upcoming lan party. Its probably a blast in CTF

    not rating, but great job. Keep up the good work.
  10. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    I agree that open maps can be good. I wanted this map's open spaces to make players think carefully about which way to cross the map and when to come out of hiding and when not to. But, I guess this will matter less in non-objective games since some of the power weapons can mostly be reached by staying in the enclosed parts of the map so I think most people tend to stay in or near the safety of those areas. This is not to say that camping is a problem in this map, because there are many ways to flank or surround every enclosed area. Thanks for the comment.
  11. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Glad to see it come to life. Once i get back home I deffiniatly will give it a download. BTW if you need more help or any more feedback ill be willing to give it. (when i get home of course) Also i am glad to see that i was able to inspire you to make a map. It turned out clean and sleek.
  12. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I hope you entered this into the Forgetacular contest. It would be much more fun to play on MM than most other maps I see around here.
  13. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Another amazing map. Top quality . Nicely stuctured and it plays really well too. Was bit big ...but i dont have many players playing often. Big enough and accessible enough for vehicals. I like the pillars and the openness and the struggle for the rocket plays really well. A well thought out map
  14. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    Thanks guys. timmypanic, this is probably the biggest map I have released so far but it's ideal with 8 or 10 players. It can be a bit much for 6 or fewer. For one thing, a good sniper is overly powerful on this map if there aren't enough players to keep pressure on him from several angles. As you said about the vehicles, I've actually added two ghosts that spawn 3 minutes in and I'm getting ready to put up a second (and hopefully final) version of the map that also has slightly more cover, but still preserves the openness as well.

    MrGreenWithAGun, Unfortunately I didn't enter it into Forgetacular but I really wish I had. Does anyone know if there might be another official bungie contest in the future or at least more opportunities for custom maps to make it into MM later on? It would suck if this and the noble map pack were the major or final bungie DLC projects for the game.
    #14 CyborgAnthro, Nov 30, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
  15. Imtriggerhappy9

    Imtriggerhappy9 Forerunner

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    Damn, you got some pretty nice maps.

    Edited by merge:

    i agree with this statement exactly...... FORGERS STOP MAKING CRAMPED UP MAPS... THERE NOT GOOD GIVE US SPACE!
    #15 Imtriggerhappy9, Jan 15, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2011
  16. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    Thanks man, I agree. There was a wave of "needs more cover"-ism in forge hub (in which I played my part), but now as a result so many maps are just too enclosed or littered with random cover pieces. It's like they're made for people who are afraid to go outside. Open, ranged combat is essential to certain types of maps, and requires taking risks for great tactical advantage.

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