Tomorrow I'm going out to buy my first M-rated video game (turning 17), and I want to know which to buy. I'm a sucker for a good campaign, and I know Black Ops's is phenomenal, but New Vegas is nothing but. I've also never played Fallout extensively and I'm interested in giving it a shot. On the contrary, I own every CoD in existence, and love the series. So fellow Forge Hubbers, Black Ops or New Vegas? Thanks
I'd say New Vegas, because although Black Op's story is great, the multiplayer (the biggest part of a CoD game IMO) is simply not a big enough step forward (to some, me included, not even a step forward at all) to stop people from playing the previous ones extensively. I don't own New Vegas (yet) but I'm sure it's story will beat out Black Op's story.
I've heard Black Ops has a lot of interesting new things in it, but I guess MW2 did as well. I've also heard that New Vegas has some game-ending glitches in it.
id go blops. i actually just finished the campaign, and it was great. i also have a ton of fun with the multiplayer, although some people seem to hate it for some reason. new vegas was good but to me it just seemed... bland... and unattached. the end of the main story came up kind of abruptly for me and when it did end, i really didnt care about anything that happened. i enjoyed many of the side quests, but i have no desire to go back to it after finishing the main quest.
Even though I think New Vegas is the better game, I'd actually say go for Black Ops now and get Vegas later. Black Ops revolves around its multiplayer (Although I think the single player is magnificent as well) and you should get it now while all your friends are playing it. If you wait a few months for Fallout, they will most likely have all the glitches ironed out by the time you buy it.