
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Daedalusy, Nov 12, 2010.

  1. Daedalusy

    Daedalusy Forerunner
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    None can tell if this curious outpost was built around the rocks, or if the rocks built around it.


    A considerably large, almost perfectly symmetrical map. Designed for small to medium team games, such as Slayer, Capture The Flag, and Assault.

    Download Rift Here!

    Rift in a nutshell:

    Two large, imposing bases, located in the middle of Forge World's magnificent Canyon, separated by a seemingly small, yet dangerously high gap.


    This is the first map I've ever finalized, and it's the only map I've ever submitted to Forge Hub. A lot of the inspiration for the bases came from Avalanche, as can be clearly seen when the map is closely inspected. Tall bases, Mancannons, and rocks engulfing the whole space. Fundamentally speaking, however, the map looks and plays entirely different.

    Both teams start out on the top floor of their respective bases. Massive pillars that stretch from the bottom of the map can be used as cover from the get-go, and a Concussion Rifle, two DMRs, and a Needle Rifle can be found behind them. DMRs and Magnums spawn on both walls, and a Shotgun and Grenade Launcher can be found hanging on the wall of the lower platform.

    By heading to the back of the base and heading down a few floors, one can access the Mancannon route between the two bases. It is the fastest way to gain ground in objective games, but upon landing in the other team's base, one is open to attack. To counter this, two Plasma Grenades spawn right in front of the Mancannon, as well as a Needler. Needle Rifles and Plasma Pistols can be found on the railings of the area as well.

    Head a few more ramps down, and one will land on the ground floor. There, two sets of Fragmentation Grenades sit above the ramps leading to the grass; on either side of these ramps are small garages that house Mongooses of the team's colour. Through the majestic pillars that remain iconic throughout both bases, the map's namesake can be found: The rift. In this large, natural playing space, the most lethal of weapons can be found - but the greatest risk lies in controlling them.

    Behind the two large rocks lie Sniper Rifles with a slightly reduced ammunition count. Opposite these rocks are much smaller, slanted faces that allow one access straight to the rift from the top of either base with the correct jumping technique. Among various other scattered pieces of rock sits the Rocket Launcher. Smack-dab in the center of the whole map, it is unguarded, but players attempting to control this game-changer run the risk of enemy fire from almost all angles.

    In case you're still having trouble visualizing Rift, I took a few pictures for everybody's viewing pleasure. You can skip to them by scrolling down a bit.


    1x Rocket Launcher.
    2x Sniper Rifle.
    2x Concussion Rifle.
    2x Shotgun.
    2x Grenade Launcher.
    6x Needle Rifle.
    6x DMR.
    4x Plasma Pistol.
    4x Magnum.
    2x Needler.
    4x Plasma Grenade.
    8x Fragmentation Grenade.


    4x Mongoose.

    Overview of map:

    The two teams can see each other from the start of the game, but the massive columns can be used as immediate cover.


    The Sniper Rifles are found in the corners of the central area, behind rocks.


    How the bases look in team games:


    Note that every structural object of the base has team colours; the struts just happen to stand out the most.


    Download Rift Here!

    Have fun, and hold onto your teeth, people!
    #1 Daedalusy, Nov 12, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2010

    PILGRIM Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the concept of the map.

    Feels a bit like boarding action but have you tested it out yet for ts? Because i expect it to be extremely campy
  3. Kitchener Kobra

    Kitchener Kobra Forerunner

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    i think you should make those struts on the top of the map always have the alternate color rather than only in team games. (change the object color rather than changing the objects team color.) and like the guy above me said it looks like it could be campy. BUT get it tested and we'll see.
  4. Daedalusy

    Daedalusy Forerunner
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    I'll give it consideration, but this map was designed almost exclusively for team games anyway.
  5. Bryan

    Bryan Forerunner

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    Pretty impressed. I downloaded it and played it a bit. It had a reminiscent feel of Uplift and District, although not the details.

    Too bad you can't place a Sheebombz gametype into this map (the game, even), it'd be totally epic, especially because it was designed for team games.

    It should have alternate routes, like caves on Snowbound, or alleyways on District, that's how most maps got popular back in the day. I'm more old school than Reach, can't give much feedback on the new maps nowadays.

    The jetpack idea to go around the rocks and all is very interesting, pretty fun. I tried it on a 2 vs. 2 game with some friends and we had a crapload of laughs there, fails too.

    On a totally unrelated note, I'm actually quite interested this in using the H2V Editing Tools and turning this map into a H2V custom, I'll PM you some details, it could go on the MM playlists!
  6. Daedalusy

    Daedalusy Forerunner
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    I feel as if adding alternate routes, like caves in the rocks and such, would detract from the basic conflicts that happen between the bases. The power weapons would still be there, but the rift would probably see a lot less action. Also, small alternate passages would probably be prone to camping.

    Taking note of your 2 versus 2 match, do you think I should lower the minimum player count to 4, or keep it as 6 for optimum play?
  7. Bryan

    Bryan Forerunner

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    I guess you're right about the alternate routes. My old school ways just don't cater to the way people play in Reach. Also, you should probably just keep the minimum player count at 6. Too much fooling around at 4 for real competitive gameplay.
  8. Daedalusy

    Daedalusy Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Alright, I'll keep it at 4. I'm glad you enjoyed the map!

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