Okay, This is only for those who don't play the campaign at all. Im already 25% done. Me & My Friend just got Black Ops and we noticed something happened after pressing LT. So we hit LT over and over. Then we tried other buttons. And boom, we were out of the chair we noticed a computer. We went online to find codes for it. And it turns out there is a bonus 2 more Zombie Maps. If you beat campaign, you get the one with JFK. The other is a gay little bonus overview zombie game. The Code: 3ARC UNLOCK> This 3ARC is also seen when you play Combat Training (BOTS). See-ya later...
Wait so whats unlocked? The Dead Ops arcade is there from the beginning, and the Pentagon map is there once you beat the game.
Dead Ops isn't there from the beginning, and 3ARC UNLOCK unlocks all the Zombie Maps. Thanks mate! Was hoping there'd be another way to get 'Five' without beating the Campaign!!
"My Friend just got Black Ops and we noticed something happened after pressing LT. So we hit LT over and over. Then we tried other buttons. And boom, we were out of the chair we noticed a computer." :: It's not a button, it's a code you put into the computer after you get out of your chair. L2ReadPost.
also you can play zork by typeing in "zork" but because it is a text adventure I dont think ot would be all that fun of the 360
DOA = Dead Ops Arcade 3ARC Intel = Unlocks All Intel (Achievement will "not" Unlock) 3ARC Unlock = Unlocks Both Zombie Maps: "Five" & Dead Ops Arcade Others aren't as useful.
That was given away through the marketplace as DLC accessible by the 25 digit code included with the limited edition, like the code that came with Halo Reach to get Recon.
I'm aware of that; the maps are unobtainable through the computer console, and can only be accessed through the code for the marketplace that came with, like you said, the limited edition.