Foreword Thank you to everyone that helped with testing and feedback that allowed me to get this far with the project. Also thanks to Bungie for putting my screenshot on the weekly update and then Waypoint. That helped with publicity a lot! Those that have played this map before This latest version of the map irons out all the main issues experienced in the prior release such as spawning problems and balancing the invasion objectives. Much of the map has now been tweaked to make the game flow better, by adding numerous segments to the ship for purposes such as; reducing the chance of falling into the sea, adding an entire new route to and from the hangar along the outside of the ship and more appropriately placed cover. The base ship and objective placements haven’t changed, but I’ve put my time into making it more enjoyable to play around. Those that have not played this map Hello! You’re probably wondering what the hell this is all about. Well I’ll tell you. This is a map of a ship, based on the design of a UNSC Frigate but at a smaller scale. I would have loved to make the ship bigger and more detailed, but running on the provided budget I feel I have achieved the best playable result I can. For all the hardcore accuracy guys, I am well aware this is not an exact replica. The design is based on a Frigate, but I have had to change a lot to accommodate gameplay. The map is divided into two areas, one being the ship itself which has a fully explorable interior and the other being the Covenant hangar. You can reach the ship from the hangar via one of four Banshee’s or a 2-part man cannon. You cannot get back to the hangar (albeit some lucky jetpacking) from the ship. Rest assured, sniping between the two locations is rare and inefficient use of time. The distance is quite large. Gametypes The map supports nearly all gametypes. The exceptions being CTF, Stockpile, Assault and Race. The reasons for this being balance (aside from Race obviously, heh). The gameplay on this map focuses around the ship. The hangar is just an extra, yet it houses the Blue teams initial spawn. Since flags and bombs can’t travel via air vehicle, the only other solution is to put bases either side of the ship, but if you see for yourself it’s not designed very well for it. Feel free to add these gamemodes to your own copy of the map if you wish, but I wouldn’t advise it. Invasion Slayer is compatible but the drop points are all over the ship, and you can’t turn off vehicle spawns so you get some pretty odd results. Scorpion on the roof anyone? As for the other gamemodes, they have all been tested with 6-8 players, but it is perfectly capable of handling 8vs8 if you can get the players. Screenshots This was the original screenshot that made it to Bungie weekly update and Waypoint. It is from version 0.8 but is not too far of the current version. Plus the cannon is shiny. This is an overview screenshot of the most recent release. It shows the top half of the ship and the hangar (which you all know what it looks like anyway). A lot of action takes place on the top half of the ship, as well as inside. Here is a screenshot of the back of the ship, showing the hangar interior and various platforms that allow travel to and from it. Finally a pic of some of the interior. This is the front part of the ship, a command area and the red team spawn. First two invasion phases has the Spartans start here, until they're pushed back to the engine room. Action Screenshots! YEAH! If you wanted screenshots of gameplay, here is a whole bunch of em. Captured from a 4v4 Invasion game and a 6 player Headhunter game. Questions, feedback and matches If you have any questions or feedback, you can either leave it here or send me a message directly. Due to overwhelming amount of friend requests, I no longer accept just anybody. I do often host matches on this map and invite those who’ve previously sent me a friend request into the game if they’re online at the time. So even if I haven’t accepted you, doesn’t mean I don’t want to play with you, everybody is welcome and the more players in a game the better. Patch Notes (0.95 – 1.0) This is a list of changes (that I can remember) since version 0.95. Major Changes - Changed the invasion final objective to Capture the Core - Fixed invasion spawns to now include backfield and phased spawn areas. No longer have to rely on team mates or random spawn points. - Added support for several new gametypes; Oddball, Headhunter, Multi-Team, Invasion Slayer - Added a new route to reach the hangar, vents that go alongside. - Tweaked, modified and added cover and pathways throughout the ship to improve flow and protection, such as: [FONT="]o [/FONT]Larger platforms at the rear of the ship, to jump down to the hangar. (Added shield too) [FONT="]o [/FONT]Added fins to the top of the engines for cover. [FONT="]o [/FONT]Removed the small walls inside the engine room, and added a central pillar instead. [FONT="]o [/FONT]Added small platforms at the front of the ship to aid getting in and out of the cavity area. [FONT="]o [/FONT]Improved the ramps on the outside center of the ship (near the rocket launcher). Minor Changes - Fixed numerous glitchey things like lumps in the floor, or holes in undesirable areas. - Added teleports on Infection to prevent pistol camping. - Blocked off the MAC Cannon room on certain gametypes to avoid camping. - Increased the size of the safe zone, so dogfighting is less restrictive. - Removed unnecessary items from the Covenant hangar to provide more budget for the frigate. - Re-coloured various parts of the ship, to make it look a little more interesting. - Moved the flashy red lights, cos it was really important.
This ship is AMAZING! I love it. It looks perfect from the outside and looks great inside. Im going to give this a dl immediately.
Thankyou, I tried my best to capture the essence of a frigate, then took creative liberties to adjust it to my liking and gameplay performance. I imagine a Halo veteran could show me a thing or two in the ways of balance, but after countless testing sessions, I think I've reached the pinnacle of my current abilities. Also, secret bump is secret. Shh
Nice map, looks about perfect, just a bit smaller then usual, lol. I like the back, you made the gate have what should look like wires to make it look like the back door opens and closes. Pretty cool. The internal is just as good as the external features. Love this map.
Thankyou for the comments. I've added 7 new screenshots taken place during gameplay with a handful of players. It definately makes it look a lot more interesting. Added after 1 Day 6 Hours: Is anyone keen on organising an 8vs8 on this? I don't have enough reliable and organised friends and the ones that are reliable are never online at the same time. I'm looking for patient people that don't mind waiting 20 minutes for the party to fill up. Anyone interested?
Hey Skiph, you've done an amazing job. It's very hard to design the inside of the ship, especially because the outside limits you with odd nooks and crannies. In regards to your question I would like that very much as my friends are also like that. just message back and we'll put a party together.
Will do. I completely forgot to reply to this when I first read it. I should be around tonight if I don't work too late, if not tomorrow. Will add you on Live. If anyone else is interested, or fancies offering more feedback or love notes. Please do so!