Hello e'rybody. This is a preview, albeit incomplete, of my map Lanterns. Lanterns is a symmetrical, 'hanging' map forged right outside of the entrance to Coliseum and I need some help/advice. I know the plans for the red and blue bases (they just aren't finished yet), so no need for help there, but what I am troubled with is connecting the lanterns with each base to promote flow and fluency. Below is what I have so far: Lanterns Overview: Basically, it's a simple layout like this: And I want to know what would be the best choice to connect each base while maintaining LoS and flow. Everyone's opinions and criticisms, positive and negative, would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
how about a diamond shape... with a bridge connecting both yellows.... then place man cannons in both bases to boost you onto the center bridge/platform. that'll give you quick access to the middle of the map while keep LOS. so mabe like this A stars are the man cannons that would boost you to the center plat...this is a basic idea B this one you could have the same walkway above and below with staris connecting to the center bridge (not shown) C this one you could have an alternate route that would pass under the center bridge...if you are to do something like this i would also make a second bridge connecting the two bottom walkways. THEN, add a hole to that center platform to drop down on to the lower floor. can we say epic rocket rush! these are just some super QUICK ideas. but keep in mind if your map consists of all bridges it will be VERY open. i would suggest building the walkways with only using "building blocks", not just XL-bridges... ....also i suggest if your going to make a "hanging" map you use the "sea-wall" rocks in stead of the coliseum wall! good luck hoped that help (if not try clicking on the layout link in my sig, that'll give you a good idea how i came up with the overall movement!)
I like "B" and maybe have the central bridge have some lower walkways? Or were you going to do that anyway?
You are el GENIUS! Hahaha, thank you so much! I'm probably going to go with C with some variations and aesthetics of course. I love that idea! And I'll kindly put a rocket in bottom mid and let the chaos ensue!! Hahaha.