Well, I've been looking around B-net, and I've begun to notice that there are no Firefight cheating gametypes that allow you to get the "Fistful of Blamite" achievement with any ease. I've recently decided to take matters into my own hands and design a fully-functional gametype to get you that surprisingly hard achievement! Well, it's taken me four or five days to get the version that you see now, but it's been well worth it. Just load up this gametype, blast away, and get yourself a whopping 20 Gamerscore! Firefight Details: All Grunts. Needler starts. Needle Rifle secondary. Bottomless clip. Enemies have just enough health for a supercombine. No headshots. Also, fellas, if you don't approve of "boosting" gametypes then you probably shouldn't have clicked on this one. Please, don't flame. Cheers, HarisSales.
I actually hate boosting, but this is a good gametype for lazy people. I only hope that not 100 of people are going to make this like 10000 points in 10 minutes.
This looks like an interesting gametype- I do not think that 20 gamerscore is worth it though. I am against boosting so naturally I am not leaniant towards this gametype. Good job helping all those lazy people, though!
I tought it was called Spoonful of Blamite. I don't really need the gametype. I already played one where i was invincible, did super damage and and had boottomless clip. I got crowd control, game set match and a spoonful of blamite by stealing a needler.