I have a dreamsicle. That everyone will have dogtags on forgehub! First is name, then member type, then gamertag! Tell me what you think! Don't criticize the edges, its just a draft thingy.
do you have photoshop? because i'll just give you PSD. And you can add your own text. I think its courier.
http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/5056/dogtagblankeg2.png Wait. Theres the png, so it should keep the transparency.
Thanks a ton. I'll post mine in 5 minutes EDIT: It's done. The only thing I changed was I smoothed/blurred the edges and added the FH symbol next to "MEMBER" (You would have as many are under your name on this site.) Does it look good? I'll fix it up in the morning.
Your dreamsickle had been fulfilled. By me at least. I fixed the little FH logo. Me thinks everyone else with a dogtag should have those too. And you really don't need a .psd . Just right-click and copy the one Tofu posted in photshop.