Fancy That

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Benzu Akamaru, Nov 14, 2010.

  1. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    NOTICE :
    -If you have already downloaded the map, please re-download it. Changes have been made to make it Jetpack uncampable, along with fixing some gametype bugs.

    Fancy That
    -A Firefly map

    'Sup forging community. I'm Firefly Benzu, and this is my first map on Halo: Reach. I delayed forging (fighting that urge since September), because I wanted my first map to be perfect. Unfortunately, this is not possible, even to my sky hopes. (Because Perfection is unattainable, unless as a killspree medal.) I decided to start forging after hitting that 100,000 credit mark, that way I would get plenty of ingame experience about how a Reach map should flow. So gathering what I liked and did not like about the maps presented, I designed my own map. I forged the island of my map, and then I added on to that. I forge my own aesthetics. Fancy That has a layout that is easy to memorize the first time through, but that doesn't mean it's barren. As a matter of fact, it couldn't be further from boring.

    The map is small, unorthodox for Reach, I know. It plays best from 3(FFA)-8 players, otherwise things get either too hectic or too uneventful. While the map does have some "metallic" bases to it, the good majority of it is sweet earth. The map has only 2 bases and only 2 eligle locations to be bases, so either 2Team or FFA variants can be played, Multi-Team game variants are not supported. I made sure to make the smoothest possible map with rocks, but considering that, as I said, the majority of it is terraformed, do expect some bumps, they can't be helped (but usually this isn't a big issue). The big battle tend to space out near the blue base, while set paths give the red side a more conquest-y play. Please download the map and give it a forge-over if you're curious.

    4x DMR
    1x Sniper Rifle
    1x Needle Rifle
    3x Fragmentation Grenades
    1x Assault Rifle
    2x Spiker
    1x Gravity Hammer
    1x Shotgun
    --1x Active Camo--


    Satellite View


    *Initial Spawn Camera




    *Red Base

    *Blue Base




    Credit goes to some people who helped with some tweaking, testing, aesthetic ideas, or for just being there like a good friend should:
    -Shredded Dreamz
    -CPF Caboose
    -Firefly Benzu

    Download, Play, Rate, Laugh, and Enjoy.
    #1 Benzu Akamaru, Nov 14, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2010
  2. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I really can't tell much about your map from your screenshots, you should update your thread with some better ones. I wish I could understand the layout, 'cause you've been around for a while and from your intro it seems you have a head on your shoulders, so I expect this could be a pretty good map. Maybe you could at least describe it in words.

    Edit: Hey cool you got some overviews up! I gotta say I was surprised at how natural it looks settled in the water there. You see I had a feeling that I wasn't really understanding enough about the map earlier. Now it's easier to follow the other more specific screenshots. I'll definitely take a look at this once I get my xbox back. It seems like some small scale games on this will be a fun experience!
    #2 ImI METAL ImI, Nov 14, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2010
  3. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
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    Yeah, it is a little hard to grasp the basic layout of the map by the screenshots, but it looks like an intresting concept you have there with the more natural style. I understand what you mean about people forging their maps around trees and getting overly praised for it, that's quite annoying. Why have you added yourself to the list of people you want to thank? :S
  4. Bleuprint

    Bleuprint Forerunner

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    I really was expecting a lot more from your description and the help you had. The flow of the map is ridiculously bad. Aesthetics are decent in some spots but it doesn't even matter. I'd like to see some opinions from others because maybe gaming eyes are deceiving me today but at best I give this a 2/10.

    I think you guys don't get the general layout of the map as a whole from the shots because there really isn't a general layout, feels like he just stuck stuff in places and called it a map.
  5. SDawg72

    SDawg72 Forerunner

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    I played this with four of my friends and they blown away with the forging. The gameplay is really nice and balanced to.
  6. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I added a map description in words and how come there isn't overview shots.

    Because I made the map! Silly.

    If you hate it, that's not great, but that's your opinion. I can't bash you for having personal thoughts. But something you got entirely wrong was my work effort. After building my map until a certain point, I had to wait for a week, trying new things to add to the map (that didn't work out with the "feel"), and eventually it came to me one day. And there IS a general layout, mind you, did you even play on the map?? I intended a simplistic layout that is easy to memorize and get the hang of while offering various battle situations.
    #6 Benzu Akamaru, Nov 15, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2010
  7. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I honestly want to download this to give it an honest review, but the pictures really turn me away from it. Not only that, but you're description is very lack luster. All I really got out of it is that unless the gamers play this map in the same manner and mind set as you and your friends (who are probably some pre-teen tryhards), said gamers will not experience this map properly. The whole quotes about your map and trying to build some hype to it is also very lame, and highly unprofessional.

    I won't deny that you probably spent a considerable amount of time working on this map, but unfortunately it is no aesthetically pleasing at all. Yes game play trumps aesthetics but there's a line that most be drawn at some point and personally, I think that might be here... I appreciate your attempt for a more natural looking map, but throwing down some rocks as the floor does not cut it. Then to discredit yourself even further you threw down some pre-fab buildings. A Tower Tall, a large antena, and a few collumns and antennas too. Come on... Your short changing yourself.

    Now I don't want to look like I'm flaming you or anything, as thats not my intent at all. Please don't take it as such. All I'm saying here is that this looks like a rushed/incomplete map based off a vague concept you had. I've got a map along the same "natural" concept you were shooting for that I'd be more than willing to hand off to you for adoption. I'm even willing to offer my help with forging if you'd like.

    Best of luck.


    I've looked over your map in forge and played around with a friend a little bit as well... I'm not entirely sure if you use the "edit coordinates" tool as some of the blocks don't seem to line up properly. Also strikes me as slightly cluttered feelings for some reason... I do like the caves/tunnels that go slightly into the water. Its got a cool feel to it there.
    Blue base is wayyyyy too over powered compared to the rest of the map. Also having teleporters so close to the spawns seems a little... Unorthodox?
    #7 SecretSchnitzel, Nov 15, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2010
  8. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is unacceptable. Are you downtalking me? FWI, I'm no preteen highballs, I'm a late teenager, just like the rest of my friends, mind you. And if you haven't noticed, the thread is supposed to have some humor, which you could see traces of if you weren't mad I told out [maps with Vanilla-esque aesthetics and such].

    You're right, I did spend a considerable amount of time, and I'm sure you've changed your mind on the aesthetics since downloading the map?

    If you didn't know, I ran out of rocks when forging this map, so there's a few areas that are a little choppy because I didn't have the supply to smooth them out. But for the most part, I implemented rocks waaaay better than most, period.

    This is understandable, but as you will let me explain... my map IS unorthodox. The blue base may be overpowering when playing base centered games such as CTF or Assault, but for the majority of the gametypes, this area is traverseable to all players, not just as the Blue HQ, and being traverseable in this way improves flow for most gametypes (but apparently not CTF or Assault), it even makes a nice perch, although not campable, for Infection gametypes.
  9. Bleuprint

    Bleuprint Forerunner

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    Odd. Somehow I posted in the wrong thread..

    #9 Bleuprint, Nov 16, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2010
  10. Dralthi

    Dralthi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I really like how you meshed landscape with buildings and went for the natural look. However, a few parts look a little messy or poor for competitive gameplay and you really could use some more screen shots. Great concept, decent layout, suggest working on that a bit.
  11. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
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    I like the aesthetics on this, they are amazing, but why are their two spikers next to each other (SS#4)? There's no more duel wielding in Halo: Reach, so I don't really see the point of that.
  12. Larsamin

    Larsamin Ancient
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    A video would be nice of the map, as the screenshots aren't really cutting it for me, you should upload an overview of the map for everyone. Also, don't call your map "short of perfect" because it kind of makes you sound like a **** and its probably the reason why everyones giving you bad feedback.
  13. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Videos are nice.. although I do not have a source , but due to persistant complaining, I'll do my best to add an overview, although I'm not sure if one is entirely possible.. And while "short of perfect" is not arrogant of all (I mean, aren't we all short of perfect?), I did just now realize that a few things about my thread make me seem cocky.. Haha.. whoops. Might have to do something about that.

    @Antares777x: What I did with the spikers I also did with the DMRs in Blue base. I have two sets of the same weapon (at low ammo), so that: You and a teammate may each have a weapon. You may prevent others from picking up the same weapon by picking up it as ammo. The weapon(s) may respawn faster than normal due to the fact that one will respawn when your weapon is at half ammo.

    Edited by merge:


    Due to requests, I have added overview shots, one labeled "Satellite View" and the other "Over View".
    #13 Benzu Akamaru, Nov 20, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2010
  14. Damo

    Damo Forerunner

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    I like this map. The terraforming gives it an original feel - big kudos on that. I would say, though, that it does look a little bit on the messy side. I'm not sure this can be helped due to the limited number of rock pieces available, but it does mean that players take a little longer than ideal to learn the layout of the map and orient themselves.

    It is good fun once you do get used to it. Has quite a nice flow to it.

    Also - is it necessary to have both a shotgun and a gravity hammer on such a small map? I don't feel fully qualified to comment on this yet because I've not had a full-sized game, but these are just my initial feelings.

    Overall - very nice work!
  15. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, yes. It's quite literally impossible to have a smooth map composed of rocks. The aesthetics are one with the bumpy path, they both come together. You honestly think you'll go mountain climbing and just have to walk a ramp?

    It's common in forging to see two short ranged power weapons on the same map. Each one gives each side of the map a unique hazard. And the map is actually not as small as impression leaves. I've played 8 people on select gametypes and been like "This plays better for this party than I expected", and I was playing Save Havens when I said this.

  16. xXKebobXx

    xXKebobXx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great map Benzu it really turned out good with the buildings. the map seems to flow pretty well and the island looks very natural nice job on the island. the only part that seems to get left out is the walkway with the spikers just seems a little underused. great job on the map overall cant wait to see your next one.
  17. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Maybe you don't use it but that's one of my favorite spots, just behind the cave. It also tends to be used more with different gametypes other than slayer. 'Sides, you can't use every bit of the map at all times, the flow changes in game.

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