I'm currently working on a pacman gametype in which Pacman has to capture many little scattered territories, so it has to be a team game. However I want pacman to have 3 lives, so is there anyway I can rig spawn points to only work once? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Okay, I figured out a way, but I still need to know if it is somehow possible to limit Red team's ability to pick up powerups/armor abilities.
Just set the number of re spawns each team have to 3 each. For your other problems make it so the ghosts cant jump and that pacman can jump a little bit so it can reach the powerups.
But it's territories, how can I do that without the infection options? Maybe put gravity very low, jump height very low and tell the blue (pacman) to be an elite to get the jumping difference?
Have the "ghosts" spawn on jetpacks, set the gravity low and jump height to 0, then set the powerup where they have to jetpack up slightly to get it. That's the only thing I can think of.
You can set powerups to team specific. The other team can pick them up but it doesnt give them the traits. So the ghosts could pick up the powerups to stop pacman from getting it or what not. It would be different but idk.
I'll try with elites first, then the jet pack. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Elites didn't work. Apparently Elites and Spartans capture powerups at the same height.