Hello. New here and this is my first map on forge. This is actually an update to my first map I wasn't to happy with it originally. Venomous is a symmetrical map ideal for slayer, teamslayer and CTF. Each team spawns on the top bases you see here. On the right inside the pyramid is a teleporter that will you down below. You can see the teleporter on the bottom. This is on the red teams side. This is the 2nd exit out of the base. Below on the right you see the sniper rifle and right in front is the needler. The 3rd exit from the base brings you down below into this central arena. There are 2 shotguns in here with some grenades. Each team has their own entrance into this arena and there are 3 ways out of it. 2 of which are two way teleporters on each side that will teleport you outside the box above the arena. The third is the man cannon that shoots you up the shaft and inside the box. This is where you come out if you use the man cannon. There is a rocket launcher on the 2nd story of this box. There are 2 plasma pistols also in here and grav lifts on each side of the wall to bring you up to that ledge incase you do not have a jet pack. I will try and update this post with more pictures once I get home tonight. Weapons on map 2X Assault rifles 2X Needlers 2X shotguns 2X sniper rifles 1X Grenade Launcher 1X Covenant Grenade Launcher (forgot the actual name) 2X Plasma Pistols 2X DMR 2X Needle Rifles 2X Plasma Repeaters. Please download and let me know how it plays. I haven't had a chance to test it out thoroughly as I work late and cannot get enough people to get together. Any suggestions/critiques are welcome. Thank you.
The pyramids look a little awkward where they are placed, if you took those out i'd say awesome map for a first try =)
Too linear. It has volume, yes, but the map is mostly a line from Red to Blue. It needs to be compacted more so that the distance from Red to Blue is decreased while adding multiple pathways to it.
I agree, linear maps give the advantage to good snipers and shorten my life expectancy. very nice though there is lots of space.