This is my first up upload to Forgehub. Serenity is a map created solely for slayer variants. Im not one who likes to drag out descriptions so here are the images. Thanks for viewing and any criticism (good and bad) is welcomed.
Your thumbnail didn't work either I'll post our duck hunt tomorrow! Ohh by the way, I wonder if anyone notices my easter egg... Hehe
Easter egg? Wonder what it is. The map looks not bad, although you could put more effort in it. I don´t see much items and I guess you have a lot of forge budget left on this map. It has aesthetic pieces but too less bridges and stuff.
It looks very.. ahhh.. urban? (Ex. building here, here, here) but they have no connection to each other. You already have very interesting looking buildings, I suggest connecting them. Don't make them redundant to each other. Very nice looking map anyway. The building on the cliff side looks cool. As well as the red and blue bases. Looks like it would be fun for CTF. Keep up the good work!
There is weapons on there in many places, it's all very well balanced. It isn't set up for CTF at the moment.
Simple maps are not bad, exhibit A = Cliffhanger. That map was super simple yet effective and fun to play on. This map looks simple like that map, yet seems to lack cover. Cliffhanger had spire rocks that were used very well as cover, and also had a large structure in the middle that acts as an LoSB from Red Base to Blue Base. Try to work on cover a little bit. 5/10. There's not much exciting going on in this map.
i agree on aesthetics, needs more. this looks like a big cluster**** like Atom or countdown, id like more lifespan to enjoy a map
Your map looks SPECTACULAR! FLAWLESS even! But honestly, you could have put WAY more effort into it. I mean it absolutely sucks. It could be WAAAAAY better. But It looks really COMPLEX! SOOOO much thought went into this! Its so obvious that you put many days into thinking about this before you even began forging it! Great Job! Except it could be waaaaaay better.
Im sorry, but are you being sarcastic? To tell the truth there was no planning in the map, I went on forge and built a ramp and it went on from there. There was only about 6 hours work in this. I was not expecting it to be the best or was I expecting it to gat raving reviews. But thanks for the feedback and I will keep working on improving.
Bradley, don't mind the people who can't be constructive. I think this is a decent use of the space you chose. The structures work, and the weapons are placed well - particularly the sniper which is out in the open, making it a risk to go for it and requiring players to move around if they want to set up in a good spot with it. I would suggest maybe expanding upon the two "ramp platform" structures you have on either side. They're interesting but could maybe use a second level or more ways up.
Thanks for the detailed feedback and I do appreciate it. I will try to give my maps more levels in the future.
Have you even tried it? If you had then you would of realised that it is all very well balanced and that when you got for cover, objects line up so that you have more cover. Don't put the map down and spam if you haven't tried it properly.