Name: Snowbound v2 Descripton: Remake of Snowbound in Halo3. Download link: Gametypes: Slayer, Team Slayer, Juggernaut, Infection, CTF, Assault, Oddball, Stockpile and Headhunter. More about the map: The best Snowbound remake I have seen so far. I am pretty proud of the map. -There are few falts but I had no more money to correct them. -UNSC Sniper Rifle instead of the covenant one (focus rifle sucks :s). -few places have changed but most of them are like in Halo3 -No more snow Pictures of the map: The whole map: Inside Red Base: Red Base : The cave: Thanks and enjoy. PS: -I've spent so many hours to make that map so, if you like it , do not hesitate to share it -Excuse my English
The Focus Rifle does not suck, use it instead of the UNSC one. I actually liked the overall design of Snowbound and thought it was a great map, but it will never be the same without the snow Nice job remaking it!
Hi, I've taken a look at the map and it looks like quite a solid remake, since we can't get the map geometry to be covered in snow or curved exactly how we need it. But i think people would rather not have to click the links to get to your images, all you need to do is put and that should work, i.e. Looking at your picture I linked above, i'm not too keen on the idea of being able to see through the floor of the base
This is a nice remake. It's definitely smaller than the original but I think you recreated the overall feel of the map. I especially like how you used antennae as "the guardians". I think you could make it a bit bigger or more detailed if you got rid of your signature on the map. You should definitely embed your pics and add a thumbnail, it'll attract more interest. Good job though!
@Antares : Actually, the focus rifle doesn't sucks, but I don't like the idea of not being able to one shot. That's why I put the UNSC sniper rifle instead of the new Covy one. And I do agree, I really miss the snow @MjB Shrapnel Thanks for helping me editing my message. @CyborgAnthro I knew I shouldn't write my name in the sky (even I feel powerfull when I read it ), But, if I change a tiny thing in the map, will I have to tell everyone that has already DL it download it again and the download history will be reset? Thanks you three for your hepfull comentary
Unfortunately your download history will be erased if you post a new version, but if people see that you've improved the map based on the community's feedback then you'll probably get more downloads than before anyways. Also I agree with switching back to the focus rifle, it preserves more about the feel of the original map.
Well, maybe I'll do that in 2 or 3 weeks. I'm going to Reach the 500 downloads (n_n) and right now my map in on the second page of map's top downloads ( n_n again). So if I change it now, the map will be unknown and nobody will download it again... well, we will see
i kinda hope that bungie releases like new forge world maps with other enviroments (snow/sand) would make this map look allot better cause the snow was pretty important for snowbound lol. but good remake ill check it out i liked snowbound on Halo 3 when i still had it.
I hink there is a map in the snow coming with the noble map pack. Forgeworld is full of grass but I wasn't able to do a map with grass so I don't thnik it will change anything :s I'm going to start the 2.1 version of the map so tell me what I should change. Have a nice day =)
I CANNOT figure out for the life of me why anyone would want to remake this map, lulz. However, the remake itself actually looks great, but it'll never be the same without the snow... Regardless, nice job.
Toupitit, thanks for making such a great remake! I still have found no better remake than yours. My friends and I very much appreciate the time and effort you have put into this, for we play a lot of Halo CE-3 remake custom games lately and use this map quite heavily in our rotation. For everyone else's benefit, I might add that for split-screen it is helpful to first edit the map so that the purple lights are no longer illuminating the bases. This seems to prevent some loss in framerate.