My first actual gameplay map. I usually forge for visuals and fun to see what I can make, but when I heard about Bungie's Forgetacular contest I figured I should take a shot and make a map specifically designed for Halo: Reach multiplayer. This is my result. Built between twin waterfalls on planet Reach, this map literally pushes the boundaries as far as they will go (and quite successfully thank god) for a stunningly serene environment to brutally murder the opposing squad. Four tiers to wage war on, including an illuminated ultraviolet glass tunnel. Every piece and spot and floor is entirely accessable regardless what armor ability you have (or don't) so apologies to those pesky jet-packers who love to hide on roofs that require you to die 5 times before finally managing to get him down. Plenty of weapons (though weapon choosing and placement is definitely not my specialty) of most kinds. Feedback on that would be much appreciated. This map is perfect for pulling off plenty of ridiculously awesome assassinations. There are 26 total spawn points placed throughout the map, 8 of which being specific to each team (4 Blue, 4 Red). This map was built for Big Team Battle. However, because of a lack of people, I was only able to test with 8 for a Team Slayer match. It still felt too big for that many so feedback on a full Big Team match would also be appreciated. Map was originally built as a night-time map, therefor, the illuminated tunnel and I originally called it Blacklight because of this. I was forced to change the lighting (and the name of the map itself) when a few people would complain that they could not see. So now we have Vandora. I've been sceptical on the name but seeing how I cannot seem to think of a name for this map I just continue to call it by it's "temporary" name. And that about wraps it up on this map. Hope you enjoy. Full weapons list below- Map Weapon Stats: Plasma Pistol x2, Plasma Rifle x2, Plasma Repeater x2, Needle Rifle x2, Needler x2, Spiker x2, Magnums x2, DMR x3, Assault Rifle x3, Shotgun x2, Sniper Rifle x2, Rocket Launcher x1, Fuel Rod Gun x1, Energy Sword x1, Grenade Launcher x1, Focus Rifle x1, Plasma Launcher x1, Frag Grenade x9, Plasma Grenade x11 (clips and spawn times of power weapons have been limited to reduce weapon spamming)
wow! the first time i saw this map it looked a lot like my map im making! haha. but it has a lot of differences, so i laughed . nice map. definetly a big team slayer map.
Well thank you =] I'll be sure to check yours out whenever you finish it, as I am curious what other ideas people have had, and successfully incorporated for that matter, with the waterfall.
Hey, I've downloaded this and want to try it out but the forge filters do weird things to my eyes ... can you let me know where the FX are so I can delete those and try it out? I've had a look around where the map's set but can't see it and can't spend too long hunting or it starts to hurt, lol... I had to DL this one... the glass tunnel looked almost exactly like one I've used as a focal point on something I'm building at the moment
Sure thing. I am sorry to hear it hurts your eyes. The FX are tucked away in the back left corner of the hangar.
Illuminated purple tunnel = head explodes. That's awesome sauce. Otherwise, this map looks mediocre. In my honest opinion, it appears too challenging to traverse to the upper levels of the map and that the height variation is a bit too much. There isn't a lot of room, and the map uses mainly bridges, making it difficult to strafe and avoid grenades. Railings should be put up on some areas, as it is too easy to fall off of this map in certain places, like that bridge(?) with the sideways tunnels on it. 6/10
I appreciate the comment, though I do not see how you claim there is not enough room and no railings, which leads me to believe you haven't actually played on it because this map is huge and has railings on 96% of the drop offs. The only things that don't have railings are as you stated correctly, the lower walkway, as well as the tiny little platform leading underneath blue base in which the previous walkway intersects with. I purposely left certain things without railings because personally I believe making everything a cakewalk is dull for gameplay. There should be risks involved. That's just what I believe. But I do appreciate your opinion. If I hear similar ones then maybe I will consider it.
In my honest opinion, I think that the risk involved in that area would be the fact that it is the lowest part of the map and thus already vulnerable. I'll go walk around on this map after my grandparents leave (It's my birthday ) and then I will give more accurate feedback on your map.
I suppose that could be a valid reason. Though you are certainly the first person to ever believe it to be a hindrance on gameplay. Thanks for the download though, the pictures definitely do not do this map justice. It's one of those things yo have to play to fully appreciate, as it is a lot of fun. Congrats on the birthday and may it be a good one.
I just took a look around on this map for about five minutes or so. There are asymmetrical spawns that greatly favor red team on a symmetrical map. I thought that the spawns were in the lift towers. This should be changed. There are also asymmetrical weapon spawns, which is also a terrible idea. The bottom most path without railings is so vulnerable and is lacking a lot of RvR, as there is no reward in that particular area, except for maybe the teleporter, which brings you to a room where the only way to get to that room is through the teleporter or if you spawn there. That is just one of the examples of the flawed map flow and movement. Another example of the bad flow would be how the only way to get to the fuel rod is either hopping down from above red base or going to it from the towers. It isn't in a very open area, lacking risk, but has a large reward as the fuel rod is a one shot. Everything seems isolated from everything else and if you decided not to start with a jetpack you're doomed. There are also almost no contested weapons. It's either Reds, or Blues. Sorry if I'm coming off harsh, but the height variation and bad flow drown out the map's good qualities. EDIT: WAIT, I think I may have been looking at infection spawn points, not sure, I don't remember.
Looks big and confusing. I would love to try it out with 16 people, but I can't ever get anybody to join me. But first I need to have a 4v4 on my map Mansion Mk VII (if somebody could bump it, its on the 3rd page with no replies I'd be very grateful) so I can submit it to Forgetacular.