As most, if not all, of you know, there is no more option for an Alpha Zombie in Reach. However, many great games required this and there have been many ingenious ways to recreate the "Alpha Zombie" effect. A definite honorable mention is how CaMOfo used a single jetpack in his map Cawk Blawkin'. However, in some maps where you want the Alpha Zombie to be able to die, this would not work because the jetpack cannot be dropped once the zombie is killed. Also, if one were to put respawn points by the Jetpack spawn, all the Zombies would end up with it. In short, what I'm looking for is any ways that you could come up with that would simulate the "Alpha Zombie" effect while also leaving it possible for all the zombies to die and respawn. Any help is appreciated not only for me, but really for anyone who reads this thread aswell.
Sadly, I'm pretty sure that the method used in Cawk Blawkin' is the closest you could possibly get to an Alpha Zombie. ****, why did Bungie remove the Alpha Zombie settings?
What I think you're implying is that they would all have it at the same time, which they would not, another jetpack would not spawn until like 34-sumthing seconds until the jetpacker dies, when the body disappears, its in the MLG settings thing.
My forging appears to confirm this, though I also wasn't focusing on it and might've missed something. Only one person seems able to have the jetpack, and it looks like it respawns once he dies.
Yeah, its stated in an MLG discussion somewhere, the jetpack respawn timer only starts when the holder's body disappears, which is why on MLG maps the AA timer respawn is 1 second, yet its like 30something seconds after the person dies until the AA actually respawns
Make the AA spawn time the same as the respawn time, and set the run time max to 1. This will make the alpha zombie respawn at the same time as the AA if he is killed. You could also set a custom powerup with a spawn time the same as the time the traits are active. This would not make one alpha zombie through the entire game, but it would make sure there is a specific zombie with special traits through the entire game.
No it doesn't, the ratio of zombies a to zombies b would be about the same as alpha to regular zombies.
Nope, it can be done using like phase 2 loadouts or something like that, theres a thread here somewhere.
Well you shouldn't be, seeing as how that's incorrect. Bungie managed to cleverly hide it in the last place any one would look: The Phase Two Loadouts.
Switch the place of Humans and Zombies? Make 15 zombies and 1 last man standing (or depending on how many people you have). Alot of good games have not been able to be played in Reach because of people removing Alpha Zombies. I'm one of the biggest Infection fans/players you'll ever meet and I can honestly say I'm not playing much Customs because of this. Hopefully Bungie puts it in to Reach with a title update.
How would this help anything at all? It would just be a game of hunting 1 person, not even coming close to solving the problem of alpha zombie.
I forgot to say,It depends what kind of Infection game you are playing. If you are playing a game like Duck Hunt,Certain Fat Kid games,Halo etc where you only have 1 life.
The Halo mini-games don't require an alpha zombie and I was kind of hoping Fat Kid and Duck Hunt were already dead in a ditch somewhere outside Utah.