Is Halo Reach really that good?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ben Roflburger, Nov 13, 2010.

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  1. Ben Roflburger

    Ben Roflburger Forerunner

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    Hi, I'm new here, but I just wanted a few opinions from a big Halo community.

    Is Reach even really that good? Is it worth Forging?

    I think it's dumb that Bungie changed so many game mechanics. Halo 3 was fun to Forge because it was perfectly suited for Custom Games. Reach on the other hand sucks. It doesn't offer the kind of customization that Halo 3 offered that allowed for so many creative maps and gametypes. I have yet to see even one fun map or gametype from anyone, even you guys here at Forgehub. Is it that you guys suck at making content now or that the game itself is broken?
  2. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    It might be your opinion. I've built maps that I'm positive don't suck, and I've had some damn fun games on them, and other maps.

    Don't like the game? Don't play it.

  3. Ben Roflburger

    Ben Roflburger Forerunner

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    Well, it IS your map. Of course you would consider it good.

    The "Don't like it don't play it" response is such crap that I can't believe you would say it. I thought this was supposed to be a respectable community? My question for you is what makes the game worth forging? What makes it fun?
  4. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    well in my opinion its way better
  5. Noobforgerontheloose

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    I have found many games that i like... also, if anything, forge opens up many, many more options. The ONLY thing that i can think of that bungie actually got rid of in forge is alpha zombie... sorry if you only played halo for fat kid. I personally have played and liked many reach maps. I recommend that if you don't like the variety of maps much, make one yourself! You are almost guaranteed to like it considering you can tailor the gameplay to your exact preferences...
  6. Ben Roflburger

    Ben Roflburger Forerunner

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    I've tried it's way harder and much more boring than Bungie made it out to be so I leave it up to the people who actually enjoy doing it. Playing a game is supposed to be fun but all I ever see is dumb competitive maps. Fat kid was awesome but what about VIP, I mean they took out one of the best custom gametypes of all time.
  7. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    you could remake vip and make it better -_-
  8. Ben Roflburger

    Ben Roflburger Forerunner

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    How in the hell do you remake a built in gametype? Jeez, you'd think you never played Halo before Reach.
  9. Noobforgerontheloose

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    I did enjoy that Zeus game type in action sack very much... but really, personally, i think the improvements outweigh the disadvantages. They did take out both of those game types, but somebody already found a way to circumvent the fat kid problem. VIP is gone... but really it isn't much different than rally. The only difference is that you are in a mongoose. Sorry that bungie took these game types away, but who knows, they could patch them in :)
  10. Ben Roflburger

    Ben Roflburger Forerunner

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    your right they probably could but I don't think they will because they're clearly very lazy and if you haven't realized that yet you need to reanalyze your experiences with them.
  11. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    it sounds like you never playied it! do you bother to hit (A) on the game opions and recreate it?
  12. Ben Roflburger

    Ben Roflburger Forerunner

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    Yes, omg you are so dumb. And I mean really dumb. For real. If you think I'm dumb enough to not even try that just shows how condescending you are to people. Why did I think I could come here for meaningful discussion? I hope someone changes my first impression about this site but Masterpete here certainly isn't doing it.

    Also it took me so long to respond because I didn't realize it moved on to page 2 and I was refreshing page 1.
  13. Noobforgerontheloose

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    Trust me... there are plenty of incredible people here. Please keep trying and don't give up on our site right away :(
  14. Hokets

    Hokets Forerunner
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    Like others have said, the amount of new stuff outweighs the amount of things that were removed. Not to mention that, because forge is so much quicker and easier now, new maps will be made at a much quicker rate.

    Also, what makes you think Bungie is lazy?
  15. ASimpleComplex

    ASimpleComplex Forerunner

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    First of all, meaningful discussion does not include throwing insults.

    Second, I highly doubt that you have tried all 1000+ maps on here and not found one you like.

    Third, truth be told, I didn't like the forging at first, because the controls and menus were alien to me opposed to Halo 3. But I quickly got over that.

    If you want to come to a website and see if you like it, then actually look at it instead of calling other people stupid over the internet.
  16. Ben Roflburger

    Ben Roflburger Forerunner

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    WEll obvious things like no bloom toggle and the lack of certain key gametypes.

    I don't care how fast maps are made, because it just piles up all the crap (competitive maps, anyone?) over the few diamonds that I still have yet to find. I know some people like competitive bmaps but there are just so many and it's getting really old. There are also very few casual maps worth playing so basically we're up to our asses in garbage but the diamonds are nowhere to be found.
  17. Noobforgerontheloose

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    Why don't you take a gander at the featured map section then? Only the best of the best maps are posted there, (Could be debated) and that saves you from sifting through all the other maps. As to the gametypes, there is a chance of bungie putting it into a dlc or title update. All hope is not lost!
  18. Ben Roflburger

    Ben Roflburger Forerunner

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    The only person I insulted insulted my own intelligence first.

    How do you expect me to try all 1k+ maps on here after just a few months? and like I said the crap maps just keep piling on. Plus even if I actually found just one map I liked, how long would it take for it to get old, just like the rest of Reach, before I have to wade through the sea of garbage again for the next one? I've gotten quite used to Forging but it's not as fun as Halo 3 was because anyone can replicate whatever I happen to make now.
  19. Hokets

    Hokets Forerunner
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    Protip: the maps on this site are divided into categories. If you look in the mini-game section, you won't have to search through all the competitive maps you seem to dislike so much.

    And just because they didn't include a feature you would have liked, that doesn't mean they're lazy. Game development is more work than you might think, and the fact the Reach isn't completely broken by bugs and glitches shows that they are certainty not lazy.
  20. ASimpleComplex

    ASimpleComplex Forerunner

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    ^^In fact, you insulted him first.

    From your last post, the problem is not Reach itself, from what I gather. The actual problem is your attention span per map. If you already think most of Reach is old, and that every map on this site is old, except for a few "diamonds", then buddy, it's not the game's or creator's faults at all. They cater to a vast fanbase, and that means that it's not going to be a special engineered game for you alone, created so that you won't get bored with it. That's life, bud.
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