*New updated video Fly-Through. YouTube - Halo Reach Guardian Remake Fly-Through by QThe DukeQ Added Comparison screen shots with Halo 3. It helps to show how different Reach is from 3 and how hard it is to forge something in Reach to look like a real map from 3. *Of note to mention. I have noticed in further playtests of the map that the invisibility is causing a hic-up in lag for about a second when you first grab it. Mostly comes from all the rendering in that area of the map and have only noticed it when your body is first turning invisible. If anyone knows of a way to set up game types were the invisibility only shows up in classic slayer and nothing else I would love to change it that way. If you are having lag problems there and are playing regular slayer with loadouts my suggestion would be to save a version minus the invisibility to play on. *Latest update 11-13-10 at 10:00 p.m. EST. One minor change to the ramp over by the invisibility to match the ramp at sniper and mirror 3 better. Didn't have the block budget before, but was able to free it up. It helps make the grave lift bump you a little softer also. *Latest update 11-13-10 5:20 a.m. EST. Tweaked a bunch of things. Changed out bridges for bridge ramps, and walls for bridge ramps so that I could take De Behr's idea for the center and finally be able to budget it in. Shout out's again to devilCREAMER, xLoRinsEr, and De Behr's for the idea's that have helped to make this a wonderful map. *Latest update 11-11-10 8:45 p.m. EST. Added ceiling heading into yellow room from invisibility. Plus tweaked some walls and traded some out. Adjusted rocks in yellow room to more match the depth of 3. *11-11-10 Thanks to xLoRinsEr for the ideas. I changed the lower area between yellow and blue rooms. The floor and ramp height and depth are a little off from Halo 3 but the compensation was needed for the different jump height in Reach. Also used the idea for the round wall near the sniper platform. Also adjusted man cannons to give you more of the in the air feel from 3 and not having them just slam you into a wall. Also switched around a few blocks to look aesthetically better, especially the jump from yellow to blue. Looks less clunky and square. *Adjusted again. Didn't realize I never changed the respawn on camo and overshield. Now both set for 90 seconds. *Well, the dirty deed had to be done and I took out the lights. While playing there were to many frame rate issues with the lights so they are now gone. Yellow room is now simply colored in. Not as yellow, but not as laggy also. Also added more initial spawn points. The Duke At Guardian Overview of the middle Bottom of Yellow Room Top of Yellow Shotgun Hall Sniper and Back Sniper Hall Green Side Blue Room New to this whole forge hub thing so here goes. It took me a while to finally make myself sit down and finish what I have been working on for the past month on and off again. I've looked at most every version of remake for Guardian, taken a few ideas here and there, jumped off of a map that devilCREAMER started, and ended up with what is now one of the most accurate recreations of Guardian. I know so many people like to praise themselves, but that is not what this is. My roommate and I sat down and went side by side with Halo 3 to get the most accurate and step perfect remake of this map. The huge thing that bugs me on the aesthetic quality is the size of the dish. I didn't know what else to do to give the look of a dish in the air, but Reach's is so huge! So aside from the look of that and no trees I tried to do the best I could with the look of the map as I was finishing tweaking it. Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think. *Fixed the door frame issue going from blue room towards shotgun on the upper level. *11-8-10 Map has been tweaked and the dish has been changed. Thanks to hemsky19 for the idea for a different dish that is more to scale. Also tweaked the area over by the jump to yellow. Didn't realize that it was too large. Also adjusted the look of the sniper ramp to shadow the original. Still can only make the jump from the block though. Also modified the wall leading down behind sniper because it was to wide. Now aesthetically it matches more to the original. Also just realized that the loadout cameras where missing and added those.
ok from the PICTURE it looks ok, if you want people to reply and give feed back, you have to post pictures of the key parts of the map, eg blue room, yellow, sniper and green. Add some more pictures and ill see if its worth a dl
Decent remake, its not completely to scale but i think that this is best for Reach's physics. Just a few things i would like to point out. - the jump from mid to S3 is to tricky, most of the time you fall off the map when this should be one of the easiest jumps on Guardian. - I would remove the fusion coil from S3 but thats a personal opinion. - Blue room needs a blue light and the hall way from blue room to elbow (fusion coil wall) is a bit off, you should be able to take cover behind the pillar of the door way. its used alot in Oddball so its kinda important enough to mention. - Some parts are just a bit sloppy, the corner on blue window has a gap in the floor, the ramp from blue window to blue room isnt lined up correctly and gives you a bounce when you walk. - Both the camo lift and invis lift dont give you enough boost to get across unless you actually run into them. - Cant jump from bottom blue to top gold. All by all a good map/remake, no massive amount of interlocking used, which i find impressive. Worth an 8.5/10 if you can fix the jump to S3 and the grav lifts in my opinion.
I was still figuring out how to add photo's. More up now. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Jump from mid to S3? Figure your referring to jumping to the area between blue and yellow room. The only way to do that is to jump the square. It's all a problem with the size difference of Reach to 3. Don't understand what you mean by the hall to elbow being off. The corner at blue window being off with the gap in the floor is a forge problem you can not put two of them next to each other and have them meet flush. As for the lifts that has never once been an issue in any playtests done on the map. Don't know what the issue there is. Blue room needs a light- You can only buy two lights in forge. I went with yellow for yellow room and green for shootgun hall. Bottom blue to top gold can be hit, but very tricky crouch jump. Worked and tweaked hard to get just enough to be able to make the jumps if well timed. Other than that reach size diff. is to big to adjust it any better and have the right levels and depths of ramps.
Mid to S3 at 01:47 YouTube - Inside Halo 3 - Killer N - 2v2 on Guardian The jump from gold to blue is perfect. The hall i mean is if you go from blue room, to the hole that drops down to the shotgun. To lazy to take a picture.
To anyone that downloaded the map this morning I fixed the door frame issue at blue room, nudged a ramp at blue room, and never even realized I had a rock sticking through the ceiling in blue room that I adjusted. As for the jump from mid to s3 I never thought of, because in the 2 1/2 years I played Halo 3 I never went up it the opposite direction and never really knew you could. From the 1x1 block the jump can be made just not by the railing. Will look into it later if anything can be done to tweak it. Thanks for the input!! This site has been very helpful thus far. Now just need to get groups to play my maps. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Finally got around to doing a HD Fly-through so you can get a glimpse of the map here before you download. Few more things were tweaked. Added glass to the front entrance to yellow and added two health packs along with many minor tweaks to smooth out some ruff spots.
Wow this has to be the most accurate remake out there (I already looked through it). If there's is one better, I would love to see it.
Wow this looks amazing! I'm playing Halo customs tonight at a friends, so I'll download and bring this baby to show all my friends!
Thank you, I'm glad to hear someone else feels that way! For any one that downloaded this the morning of 11-13-10 it was updated at 10:00 p.m. EST. I realized that I finally had the blocks needed to make the ramp at invisibility the same as at sniper which mirrors 3 better. So, if you downloaded the map prior to 10:00 I would ask that you redownload the latest version. As I stated to myself this morning, this ssshhhooouuulllddd be the final version. Don't quote me though. The Duke
I'm trying to remember if this is the Guardian remake I played on recently. I'm pretty sure I was in a group with you and a bunch of people when we tried it (if it's the one where you had a version with and without lights that's it). What I recall from it was nothing short of awesome and was easily one of the best remakes of Guardian, not only from a layout standpoint but aesthetics.
Yes, it was the one you helped playtest, and thank you. Getting a game of ten people on this map helped me to decide to get rid of the lights. It's such a disappointment that something as cool as the lights can be created, but limited on how they can be used within a map.
Yea kind of a shame, but the overall layout of that map was unbelievable. There was actually a split second of playing that map when I thought I was playing Halo 3...no joke.
The only problems I see with the map is how the main platform is shaped but thats just me nit picking. Looks great awesome job
Ha! The best was when I downloaded someones Guardian remake where they merged over 15 blocks together to try and make a circle in the center. Thank you Bungie for octagons in Reach and not circles(Sarcasm intended). Sadly the smallest flat circular surfaces in Reach are the Bunker, Round & Dish. Of which both where much to large in height and depth to match Guardians middle. Hence the choice to go with the octagon instead.
from the video and the pictures it looks like a awesome remake, but I was dissapointed you didn't show how the gravity lift @ camo worked in the video. does it work like it should work? and your sniper tower destroys all the other sniper towers in other remakes, its much smoother from what I can see. A DL for sure, thanks a lot.
Could you please let me know where on the map you had problems. I've been tweaking like crazy trying to get rid of any lag and from play testing the only problem I have had is with the invisibility which I've mentioned in the post. The lag used to be horrible when I had the yellow light in yellow room, but since removing it I have not had any major issues there. Any input would be very helpful, i.e. what was the distance with the people you were playing with, how many on the map, and how is your connection speed? [br][/br]Edited by merge: That was a mistake on my part in my video. When I man cannoned to invisibility I meant to turn left and take that jump. I am planning on doing that in the new video I hope to get done and posted later this week, and yes it does work.
Best Guardian remake I've ran into! It looks great, doesn't lag, it looks properly scaled and most of my favorite jumps work great! =D This is definitely the Guardian remake I'm keeping. If you could make it so that you can jump from the bottom of the sniper tower to the upper floor, I'd seriously idolize you. It really changes how the map works on that base. I managed to pull it off in my own remake, but everything else about it sucked XD. Anyway, awesome job dude! Near-perfect!
That is something I have toiled with and unfortunately with the adjusted Reach jump height physics have not been able to accomplish. The ceiling level for running through the sniper hall would be to low if adjusted and Elites wouldn't fit. I've done my best to make it so that the jump can be made from the ramp and I will have it displayed in the new video. Again it's another one of those things that I never knew was possible in 2 1/2 years of playing Halo 3 and only since watching video's while making this remake did I learn that the jump was possible, and Guardian was the map that I've played the most games on in 3. Maybe in a retooled version six months down the road I might learn how to finagle it. The only way I've seen people getting it to work is on a map built around having to play the map with 125% jump height on. Aside from that it is what it is. Reach and 3 are their own beasts.
You could try that piece they used in Asylum to allow you to jump from shotgun to sniper on each side. I can't remember what it's called. It's some sort of platform piece I believe. Just put it against the wall or maybe just put a piece of a block sticking out halfway up so you can jump on the ledge and then jump up.